Revisting Familiar Tasks

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5:43 PM

May had decided to give the pool another chance after dinner, so she didn't take a bath yet. Instead, she was reading a book on the couch, with a custom t shirt that was white with a printed picture of Mettaton that she drew herself and black running shorts. May didn't mind white if it had other colors with it, but not by itself. "Seriously? No matter how much I wash it, no matter how much I spray scent on it, this shirt somehow always smells like bacon!" Speaking of bacon, May's stomach was growling so much, demanding food, but she knew dinner wasn't ready yet. Every time she heard a rumble, May lost a little bit more of her patience. "Stop it. Dinner's not ready and it won't be for another 15 minutes at least," Saying that out loud only made things worse, the rumbling seemed louder and became even more annoying.

6:07 PM

By now, May was so hungry, her stomach began to hurt. "And dinner's still not ready," she thought. There was a TV right across from the couch she was laying on. She so badly wanted to flip it on and watch a movie, but what if someone came in? "Aren't you supposed to be grounded?" they would ask. After that, her punishment would probably extend by at least a day. As if on cue, Mettaton walked in. "Hey, dinner's ready," Finally! She was starving! For a second, she stood by the doorway. If she was the first to walk in for dinner, the others would get suspicious. For dinner, Paps had made spaghetti. "Not as delicious as breakfast, but still yummy, I guess I won't refuse it that often," she thought. She didn't want anyone suspecting anything, but she was aching of hunger. "What are you waiting for? Come on in," Mettaton told her. May walked in and was given a bowl of spaghetti. After that first bite, May couldn't stop herself. After finishing the bowl, she walked back into the living room and continued reading her book, letting everything digest for a little bit.

6:14 PM

May was in her swimsuit, wrapped in a towel, walking out to the pool. She hung up her towel and took a step into the freezing cold water. Once she was adjusted to that, she walked down another step and another. Soon she was in the same spot she was earlier. If she wasn't standing on her tip toes, she would be floating, which she wasn't ready for just yet. She saw Maddie coming back, and someone was walking with her. "April?" She was wearing a white one piece. "Hey, no fair, why can't I have a suit with no cleavage?" She thought as both of them came in. April walking down the steps while Maddie dived in. "Are you a cat or a mermaid?" May asked. "I might be part cat, but I'm also part fish. So you can say I'm a mer-cat," made sense. "It's been so long. I haven't gone swimming since August," April gave May a look as she said that. May had forced April to dive down to the bottom of a lake, if it weren't for Papyrus, she would've drowned. Right now, she was floating in the shallow end. "May, I know you're new to swimming, but you can't just stand in the pool. You're gonna learn the same way I did. First, float. Don't even think about it, just take your feet off the pool floor," May tried her best, but all she could think about was staying at the surface of the water. "Well that's not something you see every day," April thought. "May, relax, think of it as one big bath," soon May stopped panicking and was now hopping up and down, balancing between floating for a few seconds before letting her feet land on the pool floor. She started to move her legs and arms around like she had seen Maddie do. She called it treading water. May was able to do that for a few seconds before she got too scared and let her feet land on the ground again. "You look like you're having fun." May spun around to see Mettaton standing at the edge of the pool, one eyebrow raised. "I like the suit..." Hearing that made May want to impress him, so she began treading the water once more. Mettaton lay down at the edge, his legs dangling in the air. "Is the water fine my little mermaid?" Mettaton so badly wanted to join her, but he knew he couldn't. The second he stepped into the water, he would spaz out in a seizure-like way, before shorting out irreparably, and Alphys refused to build a new vessel for him if that happened. Oh well, he could just cuddle with her when she got out.

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