Bad Dog!

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6:18 AM

May was curled up like a little puppy laying in the arms of Mettaton. There was a creek, someone was walking in. What was April doing in here? Probably planning to throw the sexy robot down the stairs again. Not this time! She was wide awake and vigilant. As April closed in on the bed, May growled threateningly. She must protect Mettaton at all costs. "Mettaton, a word, please," She must have been ready to hurt him. Not on May's watch. She blocked all possible grabbing points and barked fiercely. "Oh, so I have a guard dog now?" He pet her head. "Easy girl," May returned to her initial position, but still growled at April, refusing to let her get her hands on the robot god. "May, relax, I'll be okay," He stood up and bundled May in blankets. She dozed off in an instant, or so it seemed. "Now what is it? What did you need to interrupt our cuddling for?" April looked him straight in the eye. "Not interrupt it, end it. Stay out of her bed and no touching!" She began dragging Mettaton out of the room. May saw this and snatched him out of harm's way. "Hey, my boyfriend, my decision on what to do with him," She closed the door then reopened it. "B***h," She slapped April right across the face and returned to her bed, snuggling up close to her love. Wait, he was pushing her away? Why wasn't he returning the cuddles like he always did? No, he couldn't be mad! She just saved him from potential danger!

7:12 AM

Mettaton had given May a on what she just did. He tried to sugarcoat it the best he could, but clearly, she had taken it the wrong way. "Where is she anyway?" he thought. He saw she had taken his car somewhere, then remembered something he could use to find her. The keys, he had put a tracker on his keys, but only because he was always losing them. "May, you've gotta be kidding me," was he seriously seeing what he thought he was seeing? He walked into the kitchen. "Hey, Pap, can you give me a ride?" "OF COURSE, WHAT FOR?" Papyrus grabbed his keys. "May took my car and drove all the way to Santa Cruz," Mettaton made a note to himself to get May her own car so she wasn't always taking his.

7:43 AM

May began looking for a spot to pull over. Her stomach had been rumbling for the past half hour but she had ignored it as it tempted her to turn around and drive back home for breakfast. But now that she was in Aptos, she knew just the place to pull over and get something to munch on.

7:49 AM

"Pull over," Mettaton saw his car parked in front of Marianne's. He and Papyrus unbuckled their seatbelts and walked inside. There was May at one of the tables. She had 6 doubles all with different flavors. Lemon Custard, Lavender, Rocky Road, Peppermint Stick, Mint Chocolate Chip, and Rainbow Sherbert. "These all yours?" he asked as he sat across from her. May looked up from her sketchbook. "No?" Mettaton gave her a "really?" look. "Take the mint chip, I don't know why I got 2 mints but I did," She pushed the bowl of green with black dots to Mettaton's side of the table, looking up at him, hoping he would take the peace offering. To her complete and utter shock, Mettaton grabbed his keys off the table. Without looking at her once he turned around and said: "You can ride home with Paps." Mettaton could hear both Paps and May yell out "WHAT?!". He didn't respond though, just got into the car and sped home.

9:12 AM

Mettaton has beaten them to the condo, but just barely. He was sitting at the dining table when Paps and May walked in. The rest of the squad members were so curious as to what happened. But Mettaton's bleak mood kept them from prying. Seeing Paps and May come home together only sparked more questions. Maddie sent the cats to follow May up to her room, as she knew May liked dumping her mind on cute furry animals. "Tell me everything May tells you," she had told them. She loved being able to talk to cats because she could say whatever she wanted to in Catin, as the cats called it, and other people would have no idea what she was saying.

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