Belly Rubs

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January 20th 6:02 AM

Mettaton opened the cabinets to find them empty. "Looks like we need more food, dammit," He walked into the living room to see May laying on the couch watching a movie. "Hey, I'm heading out to the store. I'll be right back okay," May nodded. She would be fine home alone. Or, maybe not, not with a growling stomach. Even worse, there was nothing she could do about it until Mettaton came back. She let out a quiet moan. "Food is for weaklings anyway," she thought.

6:49 AM

Mettaton opened the door and walked inside to see May curled up on the couch, gnawing on a pillow. Poor thing, she must be famished! She noticed his return and walked out to the car, coming back inside with arms full of grocery bags.

7:14 AM

Mettaton was trying to get May to come into the kitchen. "May, I thought we were past this! It is not okay to let yourself starve like this!" He grabbed a plate and brought it over to the couch. "We talked about this! It's okay to be hungry," he held out a fork of hash browns. May turned her head away only to hear her empty stomach let out a loud growl. She had no choice but to take a bite. Yummy! After everything vanished from her plate, she snuggled up close to Mettaton, nuzzling his shoulder with her forehead, baring a little "yum," smile. "Aw, well, I'm glad you enjoyed that," he wrapped his arms around her and pat her stomach. "Now, don't you feel better with a full belly?" May looked up and gave him a "Fine, I do," nod. Mettaton held her tight in his arms as the 2 nuzzled noses. "Maybe we should enter the nose nuzzling competition," May gave him a look. "That's still a thing?" she asked. "Of course!" May giggled a bit. "Dogamy and Dogeressa were obsessed with winning that!" She then changed the subject. "As much as I like dogs, how the hell did any of them get into the Royal Guard?" "All I can say is, don't let the playful attitude and soft fur fool you," Mettaton replied. "Back underground, there was this one time when,"

It was right after one of the best performances Mettaton had done so far. He was so tired, but he knew the fans had waited so long to do a Meet and Greet with him after the show. He went backstage, got some water and was walking towards the group of screaming girls. He had two dogs from the Royal guard on either side of him a few paces back like always. He hardly ever noticed them anymore due to the fact they just look like sweet white retrievers. The closer he got to the group he noticed how there was one single guy standing off to the side. The only reason why he stood out cause he was the only person who wasn't smiling or screaming in excitement. The next thing Mettaton knew was that one dog had run in front of him no longer a cute puppy but a huge white wolf. The dog tackled Mettaton to the ground and protected him while the other dog, also now a wolf, was pinning the man that was in the group to the ground. A knife was laying on the floor just out of his reach.

"Woah," was all May had to say as she stared at Mettaton blankly.

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