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September 19th, 11:57 AM

Papyrus was making lunch for everyone. "Come on, May!" April and Mettaton were trying to bring her into the kitchen. She shut the door, and hopped over to the window. She opened it and crawled out to the black rattan perch right next to it, then closed the window. It was 2 stories off the ground, but it was big enough to lay on it, and was shaped like a bird cage so she would be secure and could draw safely, it even had a drawbridge at the windowsill for easy access. After falling off the roof, the height was a little terrifying, but then she remembered she couldn't fall unless she crawled out to the edge and jumped off. She heard them trying to get through the door. May was 10, the rest of her family had breakfast. April had tricked their parents into thinking they had finished the pancakes, but really, she hid a small stash and waited for a chance to head out, but she left a moment too soon. Their parents followed her to the backyard, and caught her giving May some pancakes. "April, you take those back from her right now!" She heard her mom yell. Instead, she shoved one into May's mouth. "May, spit that out!" Her dad scolded, but she was frightened into swallowing it. Now they were furious. They grabbed May, brought her over to the kitchen sink, and pumped her stomach.

11:58 AM

She turned to see Mettaton and April standing by the window. "Jesus Christ, May! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Mettaton thought she had attempted suicide. "Did you build this?" April asked. "When we moved in," May replied. "Can we come in?" Mettaton asked. May hesitated, but unhooked the drawbridge so they could join her. April began to climb on the platform, but instead of crawling in, she grabbed May and dragged her back inside. Mettaton picked her up with his arm around her shoulders and his other hand hooked around her legs. He knew May liked it when he carried her this way. "Now you, are going to join us at the table, and eat spaghetti, because you, are a twig! I'm sorry May, but someone had to tell you," April walked into the kitchen and grabbed 2 bowls of pasta. She set one at May's spot and took a huge bite from the other. May was set down in her chair. She picked up the fork and fished out one noodle. After her parents were sure they had ridden her stomach of all its contents, May was sent out to the backyard, where April was waiting. "I knew they would do that," she told May. "That's why I saved this," she pulled out another pancake. "Take it," May shook her head, afraid of getting into more trouble. "Eat it. You look so hungry," that was true, and it would certainly be better than any food their parents would ever give her. She took the pancake and had a small nip.

11:59 AM

After that first noodle, the only thing May could think was "Gimme more! Gimme more! Gimme more!" until she finished the bowl. "Hey. Can I has more?" April asked. Papyrus gave April another 6 bites worth of spaghetti, which she finished in 3 1/2. "More?" she pleaded. Papyrus packaged the rest of it. "LATER," he knew what would happen if she had any more. The redhead looked down, then perked back up. "Anyone in the mood for some..." She fanned out a whole deck of cards "...card games?" she asked, then put all the cards in a stack again. "Card games aren't fun anymore 'cause you always win," May replied. April looked down again. "Note to self: Move to Vegas!" she looked back up. "Can we at least play board games?" she asked without any perk left. "Sure. That sounds like fun," May climbed out of her chair and hopped over to a cabinet. She opened it and browsed the selection. Her finger landed on Clue. She pulled it out and carried it to the table.

12:47 PM

They had played multiple board games including Sorry, Trouble, Scrabble, Monopoly, and Life. they made an agreement to keep playing one game until everyone got at least 1 win (except Life and Monopoly because those are too long) and if someone had 3 wins, they wouldn't be allowed to play again until they changed the game. May drew a 4, which meant she had to move a pawn backwards. Perfect! She had a pawn that just left start, that she could move backwards right into the safety zone. This would be the 3rd pawn that made it home, and the 4th was almost there. Everyone else had at least one pawn at start, and the rest scattered across the board, maybe one at home. She knew she would win. Now it was Mettaton's turn. He drew the Sorry card! No matter, May could still win, it would just take a little longer. This would be her first win. April had already won twice, in a row, and Papyrus won once. A few more rounds went by, May was so close to getting her last pawn home. She drew a card from the deck. 10! She moved the pawn into the safety zone and.. it was exactly enough for her to win! She imagined angels singing hallelujah. She had gotten all 4 pawns home! The scoreboard: May: 1, Papyrus: 1, April: 2, Mettaton: 0. Well, time to play again. She would like to let Mettaton win, but she couldn't exactly control the arrangement of the cards. He was good at the other games they had played, he even got kicked out once for winning the same game 3 times, but he wasn't being so lucky here.

1:23 PM

They played 2 more games of Sorry. April had won a 3rd time, so she was kicked out. May drew an 11, which meant she had the option to swap her pawn's place with someone else's. She swapped her blue pawn's position with Mettaton's green pawn. It made both of them closer to home. "Wait, whoops," she thought as she realized that it was only beneficial to her. Mettaton drew a 7, which allowed him to split between 2 of his pawns. He moved both of them to the arrows, so they could slide. Whee!

1:28 PM

Mettaton won the game and was now browsing the cabinet for another game to play. "Should we play Uno, or Heads up?" he asked, his voice sounding somewhat distorted. "Not again," May thought as she hopped over to him and started bringing him upstairs to her room. She walked through the door and placed him on her bed. She plugged him in, and he entered a sleep-like state. Seeing that made May feel a bit drowsy.

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