Testing Potential

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January 11th, 7:02 AM

"Oh, I just remembered, softball tryouts are today, so I will be staying a bit late," Mettaton was confused. "Softball?" he asked. May nodded. "Yeah, I know quite a bit about baseball, which softball is only slightly different from. Plus, it's the perfect way to enhance this, newfound power," Mettaton smiled. "Alright. That actually makes things easier for me. More time to get caught up on work," May giggled. "Win-win! Bye!" and she walked onto campus. 

2:14 PM

May was in math class. She had finished and turned in the worksheet and ran out of pages in her sketchbook during lunch, so she packed up and was just sitting at her desk bored, staring at the clock. "Come on! Only 45 more seconds 'til I can walk to the field and try out for the women's softball team!" she thought. 40 seconds, a few students got up and set the worksheets in a basket. 30 seconds, other students were packing up. "Just 25 more seconds! come on!" May had her backpack around her shoulders. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4..3...2..1.. BBBBBBRRRRRING!!! May was the first one out the door. A left, a right, another left, and she was at the baseball field. 

2:16 PM

"Curious, who else is trying out?" she thought. She saw Maddie, unsurprising. "Are we the only ones trying out for--Oh no!" May thought. There was trouble in the air. "That bleach blonde-" May was cut off when she heard a whistle. "Must be the coach," she thought. "Welcome punks, to softball tryouts! I'm coach Undyne, some of you might already know me," May looked around. Including herself, there were 3 people here. 3? Three? They needed at least 9!

2:18 PM

"Sorry, I'm late!" A girl with red hair, natural red unlike her sister, and rosy skin, ran up to join the group. "I was held back by my teacher," she explained. 4. Still not enough. She then saw two girls with black shades and bronze, frizzy hair, were coming their way. The twins? Should she be surprised? Often, they would rap and beatbox, but they didn't seem like the sporty type. "Well, neither do I so..." she thought. If she knew the twins, they would find a way to play while still wearing heels, because they would never wear anything flat. May could relate to them, as she preferred heels too, but she would wear flat shoes if they were required. "The twins make 6, we still need 3 more people!" she thought. "Sorry we're late," "All these buildings look the same," That was true. There was one main building which held the library, the cafeteria, the office, and a few classrooms. The smaller buildings held the rest of the classrooms, and they all looked the same. There was no gym. All the PE stuff was done outside. If it was raining, they would just move into the cafeteria. Smart. Saves money and space. Worth the minor inconvenience of having to move all the table out of the way, besides, moving tables was fun.

2:23 PM

There weren't enough people to form a team, but tryouts went on anyway. Undyne had mentioned that there were 2 others hoping to try out but were unfortunately absent today, so there would be more tryouts Monday. May was great at pitching, she hit every single curve that was thrown at her, (would be nice if she could do that figuratively) and she was a really fast runner. Maddie was crazy fast, she might as well have super speed and had amazing reflexes. The twins were weirdly amazing at catching in the field and always knew where to throw the ball. The redhead, Ari was her name, was a great batter, and incredibly fast on the bases. Bella could hardly swing, barely had any reflexes, and probably wasn't going to make the team, even if they didn't have enough people. All the better for May.

2:57 PM

"Alright, we can call it a day right there. More tryouts on Monday, then the roster will be posted on Wednesday," With that, everyone walked off to continue their day. May smiled knowing she would definitely make the team. Even better, her worst enemy would probably be the only person who tried out but didn't make the team. "Wait, if I'm the pitcher, and I have super strength," May gasped as she realized. "I could throw the ball with enough force to kill someone!" She had to be careful, but how? She was very competitive, so she'd probably throw them with full force, but she couldn't bail out, the team would probably need her! Those thoughts were interrupted when she saw a pencil grey crossover pull up. She got in and explained the whole thing to Mettaton. "Aw, don't give me that look, we'll think of something," 

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