Storm Fright

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5:38 PM

May and Mettaton were watching Jurassic World on the couch together. May didn't really seem to be watching the movie. She just wanted snuggles. A series of white flashes and she huddled closer, whimpering. Mettaton wrapped his arms around her like a protective cage. Tears began to fall as thunder rolled outside.

2:47 PM

May was 6, outside, there was rain and thunder. She was in the living room drawing in a blank notepad she had found in the kitchen. "..And little mama bird has to have food for her baby chicks," she thought. After drawing little worms in the beak, May heard footsteps. She quickly but carefully ripped out the drawing, folded it up, and hid it in her pocket. She then tucked the notepad in between the couch cushions. Her mom walked in and saw the folded paper sticking out of her pocket. She pulled it out and unfolded it to see a drawing of a bird family in a little nest. "Why are you wasting paper and pencil led on this?" May watched in despair as the family of birds was destroyed. She wanted to cry, but she knew it would make her punishment even worse, so she held back her tears. "You hear that?" asked her mother as thunder struck. "That's the roar of the dragon who eats naughty children. And lightning means he sees who has done bad," May then saw a white flash outside. "Well, we can't have the dragon destroy the house, so out!" She pointed to the back door. May slipped on her rubber boots, grabbed a stuffed husky, and began walking out to the backyard, but suddenly, the dog was swept out of her hands. "Squishy has been a good puppy, so he shouldn't be eaten. Go. Out!" May ran out into the pouring rain and began to cry. She could imagine Squishy calling out to her, crying for help. No! The bird family was already killed! Was Squishy next? She was so lost in thought when.. achoo! A quiet, high pitched sneeze brought her mind back to the present.

5:39 PM

May was cuddling with Mettaton, watching a movie, and who was that in her lap? Squishy! She almost smiled, but saw more lightning and buried her face in Mettaton's chest. She then felt something soft brush up against her head. She turned and saw little Squishy was trying to cheer her up. At first, it seemed to be working, but then May grabbed Squishy and tried to hide him from Mettaton, her cheeks turning a little red. "Hey, why are you hiding Squishy?" May gasped. "How did you know his name?" she got a little flustered, then sneezed again. Mettaton did his best to hide his amusement. Earlier that day, Papyrus had told him that April was sick. What a coincidence! So was May, but she just had a small fever and little itty bitty baby sneezes. They were so cute. He pushed those thoughts away and looked for an answer. He saw the tag had been labeled Squishy in what he knew was May's super artistic fancy handwriting. "The name's on the tag," he replied. He really knew because he had seen her snuggling in bed with the little puppy before and she had mumbled his name in her sleep talk. "Way to go, Mettaton! You almost let the cat out of the bag!" he thought to himself.

5:40 PM

As May held Squishy tight in her arms, she jumped back to the past. May was wet from the rain, and tears streamed down her face when she heard a barking sound. She turned to see the back door open a crack, with Squishy's head poking out! She walked over to the door and saw Squishy was wearing a raincoat, and behind him, there was a raincoat she could wear, and an umbrella! After arming herself with the rain gear, she grabbed Squishy and hugged him tightly. She closed the backdoor then exclaimed, "Oh, thank you Squishy!" Growing up, Squishy was May's best friend, and he still was today.

6:24 PM

They finished the movie and Papyrus called everyone to dinner. May walked over to the kitchen with Squishy in hand. She smelt something good. "Is that... bacon?" she wondered. She peeked through the door and quietly celebrated. "Yes! We're having breakfast for dinner!" She then stepped through the doorway. More lightning struck and she scurried back into the hall, hiding behind the open door. She heard footsteps, then thunder. She unwillingly let out a little shriek. "May darling?" she slowly revealed one of her eyes from behind the door. Mettaton closed the door, revealing the rest of her. She looked so afraid, and he knew exactly why. She didn't have to tell him, he could see it in her eyes. More thunder, "It's okay, I'm here. I'll protect you," Mettaton held her, making sure she felt safe. He then slowly released her and took a step back. He made sure May looked into his eyes as he backed away to the kitchen table. If things go as he planned, May would want to get to him so badly, she will have to walk through the house by herself in the middle of a thunderstorm. It didn't seem like much, but it was a start. May looked around to find she was missing something. She then looked at Mettaton, who had Squishy with him. He was hoping that would give her more motivation. She took a step, then another. A flash of lightning and she hid behind the door frame. She then turned to find Mettaton and Squishy both giving her a "Come on, you can do it," look. The sound of thunder filled the room, and May began to slowly walk to safety. She kept inching closer. "You're almost there," Lightning, and she dashed right into his arms, whimpering. "Shhhhh, it's okay," May was scared to death. Mettaton almost wished he hadn't done that, but she had to face her fear somehow. He felt her shaking in his embrace and pulled her closer. "You did great," A dose of heat magic, and she calmed down.

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