Moving to Safety

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1:07 PM

May was on the couch drawing in her sketchbook and watching Spaceballs. She heard thunder outside, and did her best to focus on her sketching and this hilariously cheesy Star Wars rip-off. She forced herself to laugh. "Comb the desert!" Mettaton felt so awful and he hated that forced laugh, but he wanted to see how long she could keep herself distracted before he jumped in. He kept this experiment going until he had enough and joined her on the couch, where she then crawled into the safety of his arms. She knew he would protect her from the raging storm outside. "The only thing scarier is," May gasped. "That guy!" She switched off the TV and began to pack. "He knows where I live! I'm not safe here! Why the hell did it take me so damn long to notice that?!" She stopped in front of Mettaton, with a large handbag full of her stuff. "Can I stay at your place for a while?" Mettaton held her in his arms. "As soon as this storm blows over, we're out of here,"

1:53 PM

Mettaton opened the door and led May inside. It was a small, cozy little place. May explored the house then curled up on the couch. A shy little ghost peaked from the next room. May recognized this little guy and waved to him with a smile. "Hi, Blooky," To her, Napstablook was super adorable.

December 1st, 12:43 AM

Mettaton was laying in bed, when he heard the door open. May walked in and crawled on top of him, whimpering. He already knew what was wrong and held her close. "Venom had so much scary sh—" Mettaton placed his finger over May's mouth and wiped away her tears.

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