Mischief Managed

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February 12th, 5:13 PM

May, Mettaton, April and Papyrus were all shopping together. "Must...not...steal...stuff," April was seeing so many things she wanted, which she could just wait for her birthday to get, but it would be missing the satisfaction of having caused mischief. On top of that, there were so many prank opportunities, but if she took them, she would be mad at herself later. It was so tempting! She hadn't done anything mischievous in 19 days! It took all of her will not to give into these wicked temptations!

5:47 PM

They were at the checkout. April held out her hand, ready to swap one of their items with an item the person in front of them had. Just as she was about to swap out the tire pressure gauge for the tiny mint green alarm clock, she was beginning to have second thoughts. What if the person in front of them needed that alarm clock? What if Papyrus had enough of her pranks? What if this was the last straw? Unable to keep her composure any longer, she picked up a few Hershey's bars and turned to run off, but then, this was the exact thing getting her in trouble. She shoved the Hershey's back into their box and ran around the checkout section, out the automated door. She didn't know how, but she had to put an end to these impish longings! And she knew exactly who she could go to for help!

5:49 PM

April climbed in and closed the window. She turned around and saw Alphys walk into the living room. "Dr. Alphys! I'm so glad you're here, and I apologize for not using the door, but this is kind of urgent," "Oh, okay, w-what do you need?" April took a deep breath before getting down onto her knees. "Help me! I've been fighting the urge to do something bad all day and it's killing me! There was so much worth stealing and so many good chances to pull pranks, it was unbearable!" For a brief moment, Alphys just stared at her, then replied. "M-maybe you can try looking for s-something else to do with your time. Find a new h-hobby, look for a j-job, join a c-club," April took a second to think about that. She didn't really have time for a job, and there weren't really any clubs at school she was interested in, so maybe she could find a hobby. "Thank you, I'll look for something! Bye Dr. Alphys," she waved and left, using the door this time.

6:18 PM

After dinner, April began searching the condo for something new she could try. She found a paintbrush in a drawer of a living room cabinet. "No, if I did one of May's hobbies, she would get pissed off," she figured. maybe she could find something in the storage closet. "yoga ball, magazine," she wondered why there was a magazine in the storage closet. Nobody in the squad even read those, they just randomly came in the mail! Just as she was about to give up, something caught her eye. It was a blue, plastic skateboard with black wheels. She grabbed it and dashed out the front door. "I can teach myself how to ride this thing and oh wait, it's night," She opened the door and walked back inside. "And I have a new hobby...starting tommorow morning!" In the meantime, she could just play some video games. "How about...Pikmin 2," she flipped on the TV and began to play.

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