Turning the Tables

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November 27th, 5:36 AM

May woke up with a pain in her throat. She checked her phone. "Thank god I don't have work today. Otherwise, I would be so ridiculously late," talking any louder than slightly above a whisper made her throat hurt even more.

6:02 AM

May did her regular upstairs routine (take a nice warm bubble bath, put on makeup, and slip into her boots) then walked downstairs to watch a movie. "Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3. Where is it?" After a bit more searching, May threw in the disk and began watching with a sketchbook, a blanket, and Squishy. "Aw, Rosa has a little squirrel. Just like I have you, Squishy." She kissed his 'furry' little forehead. Mettaton walked in holding a mug. May waved to him. "Here. Drink this. It will help you feel better," He handed her the mug and joined her on the couch. "That must have been a long day. Barking orders at your new assistants, a bit of last-minute rehearsal, and then your performance last night? Wow,"

The night before, May had shown everyone just how well she could sing and dance. Unfortunately, right after she finished the 3rd song in a row, both her voice and her energy had given out. "You scared me to death, young lady!" She had just collapsed in the center of the stage! "I saw you running up to me, the rest is a blur," Mettaton wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry about that. And try not to talk," He held up the mystery drink. May took a sip and instantly let out a muffled shriek. "Too hot?" May nodded. "Anyway, I was going to give this to you last night, to apologize for what I did 2 nights ago," Mettaton walked into the kitchen and came back with a large box. May opened it and gasped. "Funnel cake," May excitedly took a bite. "You are officially forgiven," "Oh yeah, almost forgot," Mettaton pulled out a pink bow. "I saw this and I thought of you," May smiled and clipped it in her hair. "I'll never leave the house without it!" she loved the gifts. "I promise you, I am way more excited than I sound right now," with the quiet way she was talking, she sounded like she didn't care! "I understand. You just lost your voice," Mettaton took the bow and moved it right above May's left ear. "That's a relief. I thought I might have had nodes," "No. I checked. You don't,"

6:31 AM

Mettaton was still shaking from what happened last night. He had to run up on the stage and carry her to Alphys, who, fortunately, was there for the performance. At least she was okay. For him, that was a really traumatizing experience. His thoughts were interrupted when May gave him a kiss on the cheek. It was just a smack, but it was enough to remind him that she was there for him too. "Apology for scaring you like that?" She held out her fork with a large piece of funnel cake. (She had never seen him eat food, so she didn't know if this would work) "Apology accepted," he grabbed the fork and took a bite. "So he does eat food," May thought. "You like funnel cake?" she asked. "Who doesn't?" "Right. I've asked the same thing myself," May set the box and her sketchbook on the table and adjusted the blanket so it was covering Mettaton too. "Thank you," For once, instead of her needing his help, he needed her help.

6:49 AM

Mettaton seemed to be lacking energy. "You didn't charge last night didn't you?" May asked, bringing him over to a charger. "Well, how could I? I was just so worried about you," his voice sounded distorted. May grabbed a cable and plugged him in. Before entering the sleep-like state, Mettaton gave May a hug and a little pat on the back as thanks.

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