I'm Not That Stupid!

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9:36 PM

"You can't keep me here forever!" Maddie shouted. The two men were talking to each other in the other room. "She put up a good fight," Yep, she sure did. Maddie wouldn't fuss though. She knew the others were looking for her, and she wasn't going to say that to her kidnappers. She wasn't as stupid as most movie protagonists. Why did they always say that "______ is coming for me," or "_______ will stop you,"? All that did was make the enemies prepare for their arrival, making things worse. Wait a minute, why was she just sitting here in cuffs? She was so thankful for being part cat. Shapeshifting made escaping easy. Now, to get out of here. No windows, hm... maybe she could just wait for one of them to check on her, and when they see she 'escaped', she could slip out through the open door, collect her phone, and sneak out the window. Even better, she had been sneaking out to go on runs for years, perfecting her stealth! "Now we hide, and wait," she thought, feeling like a genius.

10:17 PM

Cleo managed to track Maddie's phone to a small isolated house. "Definitely not suspicious at all," she thought sarcastically. Knowing how clever her little sis was, she figured Maddie had already freed herself from whatever they tied her up in. She walked up to the side window, finding two men talking to each other while a black cat with an iPhone in its mouth walked around as if it was looking for an escape route. Just then, the most ridiculous idea flew into her head. She walked up to the front door and knocked. Unexpectedly, one of the guys answered. "What do you want?" he asked. "Nothing. I just saw this house, in the middle of nowhere, and decided to take a closer look," this was definitely near the top of the list of the dumbest things she's ever done. "You had your look, now leave," the man tried to close the door, but Cleo held it open. "I don't think so," what did she just get herself into? "Get lost. You have no business out here at night," the cat slunk out onto the grass. "You're right, bye bye," she slammed the door shut and walked home with the black cat in hand.

10:28 PM

"Well that was the most casual rescue ever," Maddie stated as they entered the condo. Cleo couldn't believe this. Why was her sister acting so chill when she just got kidnapped?! "Maddie, being kidnapped is not something you can just shrug off like it's nothing," Wait, when did Maddie become the calm one? "I know, I called the police, I told them everything, those guys will be put in jail by morning," Cleo didn't know what to think, but she had one more thing she wanted to know. "Explain," Maddie looked confused. "May said you were out on a run. Explain,"

Maddie had completed the new trail, she liked it. A very scenic run. She was about to head home when two guys walked up to her and tried to grab her. Believing she could fend them off herself, she didn't call for help, instead, she threw everything she had at them. Punches, kicks, claw slashes, head bashes, but they weren't enough. She probably could've run away, but all her energy was sapped from the combat. When she woke up, she found her hands cuffed.

Cleo had no idea how to react. She forgot which buttons to press or levers to pull in the tiny control panel inside her head. What did they even do anyway? Did anyone know? Does anyone ever find out? Wait! "Stop thinking and do something!" She scolded herself. "Maddie, when someone is after you, call for help, regardless of how well you think you can defend yourself. What if you get kidnapped again and I'm not there? What if the people who kidnapped you had sharper eyes? You're very lucky those two men were idiots,"

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