Ultimate Revenge

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April 30th, 3:41 PM

It was after school, and no one else was home. Just April and May. Perfect for what April was planning. She had gone over everything May had done to her, and had her revenge all planned out. And as a precaution, she got rid of the metallic pest, always coming in to save her, believing that she could do no wrong, acting as a helicopter parental figure. That was easy really, all it took was a bucket and some water then splish splash sploosh! It was time she paid for everything she did. Time to dispose of the disease.

3:42 PM

May was sitting at the kitchen table, drawing in her sketchbook, minding her own business. Fast footsteps were all that warned her before something blackened her right eye. "Ow!" she cried out as she held it with her hand. "That's for calling me a b***h a bajillion times throughout our lives!" May tried to run away, but with half her vision blocked, April cornered her easily before jabbing the heel of her boot into May's left ankle, causing her to fall. "That's for making me dive to the bottom of a lake and nearly drown!" May had the strength she needed to defend herself, but April was giving her no time to react. She took off May's vest and corset, leaving nothing on top. "That's for locking me in the closet!" She picked up a knife and left a huge gash across May's stomach going down to the right. "That's for moving out without anyone's consent!" She grabbed a shaker of curry powder and flung some into May's mouth. "That's for dissing me in one of your performances!" She grabbed a jug of milk and poured some over May's head. "That's for breaking my arm!" She held up Squishy and cut off one of his legs with a knife. "That's for swapping out the cinnamon for curry giving me an allergic reaction!" She sawed off another leg. "That's for hoping Papyrus would hate my new look!" Now Squishy only hand one leg left. May gathered up his other three as April told her "That's for getting a dog after I told you no!" Now April had a legless stuffed dog in her hand. "That's for refusing to give up the dog running away with it!" She cut off Squishy's tail. "That's for telling Papyrus a big heartbreaking lie!" May was in too much pain to save her friend. She could only watch as he was decapitated. "That's for trying to kill me after lying to Papyrus about me not loving him!" April grabbed May by the shoulders and slammed her against the wall. "That's for pissing off Mettaton and blaming it on me!" She pulled out a razor. "And this is for putting stuff in my boyfriend's head that made him break up with me!" she glided the razor across May's head starting just above her left eyebrow going straight to the back. Her long beautiful hair now had a bald strip and was short just above it. "This was all because of your needless hatred over me, this was all because you refuse to take responsibility for your actions, this was all because you refuse to grow up. And guess what, that metal parasite isn't here to save you, and he never will be again. Cry, he's not here to dry your tears. Fall, he's not here to catch you. Bleed, he's not here to put bandaids on your wounds. Starve, he's not here to feed you. Cower, he's not here to hold you tight. With him around, you never had to grow up. Without him, you can finally learn some self-reliance! You can't shed any tears. You have to pick yourself up. You have to bandage yourself. You have to eat on your own. You have to deal with storms, you have to fall asleep without help, you have to cope with your nightmares, and you have to learn to get through life without cuddles, because guess what, adults don't cuddle. Get used to it," May had no idea what to think right now. Her love was dead, she was in pain, her mouth was on fire, she was half naked, her hair was ruined, milk dripped down her skin, Squishy was murdered right in front of her, oh wait, she could just sew him back up and he'd be okay, but what about everything else? "Don't even try to tell me sorry. You know how sorry works? Sorry is breaking glass then putting a bandaid on it. Sorry is not glue. Sorry does not help. And you said that you didn't need Mettaton in your life. Prove it. Grow up and prove you don't need him," But May did need him. Not to function properly like April was saying, but she needed him to be happy. Guess growing up meant you didn't get to smile. She could do this. She was able to become serious when she worked at the hotel, she could flip the switch and uninstall it so people would see work May 24/7. 

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