Round 3 Pt. 2

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6:34 AM

May and Mettaton walked through the front door. Almost immediately, Maddie dragged May into the kitchen. "I think you're the only one who hasn't seen it yet! Look look look look look, lookie!" She grabbed both of her babies, gently setting them both on the floor. "Come to mama!" May watched in amazement as the 2 little ones took steps. Maddie looked so happy! "Mama," "Ma, ma," May gasped. "They can talk too?" Maddie picked them both up. "3 words, and I can finally feed them!" She set them down in high chairs. "Permission to babysit? I promise I won't teach them swear words!" Maddie giggled a bit. "I'll think about it," She pulled a bowl of ground beef out of the microwave.

7:12 AM

May kicked over a chair in frustration. "Why can't I just get this right?!" She jumped into the air and leaned back, only to land on her chest once again. She got up and tried again, this time, she landed on her knees, falling forward. "Forget it. I'll never land it," Tears fell from her eyes as she began folding up the mats she had layered the floor with earlier. "I'm the only one in the squad, who can't land a backflip," Mettaton hung up the phone, and went to the basement to see what all the noise was about. Mettaton saw May on the floor. She felt a hand on her shoulder and knew exactly who it was despite not turning around. "I don't know why you go through so much trouble for me. I'm no good. All I do is f**k up everything," "May, you don't f**k up everything, you don't f**k up anything," May completely disregarded that comment. "Why can't I just be perfect?" Mettaton pulled her into a hug. "May, darling, no one's perfect," "Yeah, that's coming from Mr. Perfect himself! How the f**k do you get everything right 24/7?!" May had always looked at Mettaton as if he was a god, and what kind of god has flaws? "I don't, May, I know you think I'm a god, but I mess things up too," Mettaton wanted May to see that no one was flawless, but she also needed to take a break or else she'd end up hurting herself. "Hey, Paps told me that the squad was going to the mall! We should join them." May was just finishing up putting the mats away. "That actually sounds really nice!" 

7:26 AM

Mettaton and May were strolling through the mall. April wanted to go to Sephora first so they were heading in that direction when Mettaton felt May squeeze his hand almost too tight. "What is it?" May was looking straight ahead at the man in a black hoody. He was facing the group, standing completely still. The rest of the group hadn't noticed him. He quickly moved through the crowd, making a beeline for May. It took every ounce of willpower for Mettaton to not scoop May up and get the heck out of there, but he knew she needed to handle this one on her own. The man pushed through the group, them finally noticing him! Before the man got to close May started walking towards him. Mettaton can see the confusion on the man's face, even though he didn't falter. Mettaton suddenly noticed the knife in the man's hand. Before he could say anything, May reached out and pushed the man with what looked like all her might. The man went flying! He flew back almost 100 yards before landing on his back and sliding back more before he slammed into a pillar. The tiles were now a giant rubbly mess. The pillar spewed out some powder but thankfully didn't fall. Sure, it would've killed the man, but it also could've taken down the whole mall, endangering everyone in it. "Alright, now we need to GTFO!!!" May began running toward the nearest exit--away from that guy--but Mettaton stopped her in her tracks before she could turn towards the door. "No more running away from your problems May, plus, if you go back to where you were, you might see something very pleasing," May was a bit scared, but she slowly walked back to where they were, and what she saw was pleasing, very pleasing. The king and queen of the...non-human earthlings, (May did not like saying monster due to fear of offending them) were standing in front of the man. "You are hereby exiled to Island St. Helena," he could never harm May again! It was safe for her to move back in with the squad! 

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