Ill Rose

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8:12 AM,

April was at the table, shuffling a deck of cards when Papyrus walked in. "Hey Papy," she greeted before breaking into a coughing fit. She looked so pale, and her face was losing color. Since Papyrus couldn't feel if she was warm or not, due to having no skin, he went straight for the thermometer. 107.1. Zhumyte was a warmer planet than Earth, so mytes could handle higher temperatures than humans, but Papyrus wanted to get her a check-up anyway.

8:17 AM

April and Papyrus were in the waiting room. Papyrus was getting worried. April couldn't stop coughing. Was she going to be okay? He saw her eyes were constantly switching between black and blue. The demon. "...Pap..." she called out weakly. More coughs and her eyes were black. Papyrus held her close. "Look into my eyes," he was so concerned, he didn't shout like he usually would. April's eyes returned to blue. Alphys called them in. 

8:46 AM

Papyrus and April walked back home. April grabbed a deck of cards and began to shuffle. "Let's play a game. I believe I have Poker all figured out," As much as Papyrus loved a good card game (despite always losing), he knew she should be resting. And he knew exactly how to convince her to do so! "AS YOU KNOW, I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, LIKE A FAIR COMPETITION, AND IT'S NOT FAIR IF YOU ARENT IN THE BEST CONDITION, IT WOULD BE WAY TOO EASY FOR ME TO WIN!" April wanted to laugh at his cockiness, but it came out as coughs instead. "You're right. I'm not well enough to play my cards right, and I can't lose! Gotta uphold my reputation!" Another coughing fit. This one sounded really bad. Alphys had told him she would be okay, that it was just a really bad flu, but it was still really concerning. He had seen on the news that there were so many people who died from the flu this year. "Please, don't be paranoid about something you see on the news," more coughing. April climbed into bed and tucked herself in. Papyrus gave her a bottle of water. She was so thirsty. April knew she needed rest, but the sound of sleeping all day? That was a guaranteed nightmare. "Not gonna happen!" she thought. Her coughing would probably keep her awake anyway. Papyrus set up a little defuser to help with that. "Huh, haven't seen one of those in a while," she thought. 

9:14 AM

Papyrus checked on April. She was rustling around in bed. "I swear, I didn't steal the money! In that briefcase, is my jackpot winnings! Go ask the people at the casino!" He shook her awake. "Thank you," another coughing fit. This one, however, wasn't anywhere near as bad as the other ones. Papyrus took her temperature again. 104.6. Still high, but it was lower. "Did mytes have better resiliency to diseases than humans?" he wondered. As if April could read his mind, she explained. "What usually takes a human a whole day to recover from, it takes up to 6 hours for us mytes," she stopped to cough a bit, then continued, "Since this flu is a bit worse than normal, it will take me a little longer," she paused and coughed some more. "I should be fine by tonight. If not, tomorrow morning," yet more coughing. 

12:04 PM

Papyrus walked into April's room with a bowl of spaghetti and saw her sleeping peacefully! Without the help of medication! If she could keep this up, she wouldn't need the pills anymore! His thoughts were interrupted when he heard April cough a little. She was awake. Her eyes instantly locked onto the spaghetti bowl in Pap's hand. "Thank you so much," she adjusted her position so she was more upright, but still laying down, then reached her hands out in a way that said, "Gimme gimme gimme gimme!" The bowl was placed in her lap and April licked her lips. She then excitedly rubbed her hands together, ready to dig in. "This is so go-- wait, what?" she thought as she tried to swallow the first bite. She kept it in her mouth, but her throat rejected it. In fear of offending him, April tried her best to hide this from Papyrus. She tried again, no luck. She didn't get it. The spaghetti wasn't bad, but it was stuck in her mouth! She internally screamed, "Agh, this would be a really good meal right now IF I COULD JUST GET IT DOWN!!!!" She couldn't get it past her throat, and she definitely couldn't spit it out! That would be disrespectful-no! Offensive! VERY offensive! One more attempt, yes! Finally! She took another bite, which was also rejected. Try 2 and success! One more bite, this one took 6 attempts. After how long that last one took, April gave up and set the bowl on her nightstand. She saw Papyrus giving her a strange look. "Must have been the pace I was eating at," she thought. "I'll just have the rest of it later," she explained. "Yeah, later when I'm actually physically able to swallow it!" she internally shouted before going back to sleep.

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