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December 25th, 8:46 PM

April quickly set her gift for Paps in his red-gloved hand, desperate to throw the weight of guilt off her shoulders. She faked a smile as the wrapper was removed. "I LOVE IT!! IT'S THE PERFECT WATCH FOR THE GREAT PAPYRUS!!" he shouted as he wrapped the jeweled watch around his wrist. April thought that when he opened it, all of her guilt would wash away, but instead, the opposite happened. It had been tied around her heart and hardened to stone.

8:53 PM

They had finished opening gifts, and while everyone else continued to enjoy the party, May, Mettaton, Undyne, Alphys, and Maddie all looked at April. "Alright punk, spill it," "Where did you get that watch?" "Everyone was talking about how it was stolen," "Was it you?" "I knew y-you like causing m-mischief, but that's l-low," April backed away toward the front door. "Aw, come on guys. A guy on the street sold it to me for $47," she turned the knob, leaned back, slammed the door shut, and began running like there was no tomorrow. "I probably won't live to see tomorrow if they catch me," she thought.

8:56 PM

April had a huge head start from the rest of the group. She couldn't see any of them behind her, so she headed straight for the MTT hotel, the last place they would go searching for her. Once she arrived, she walked into the Burger Emporium. Now, she was alone with all of yesterday's leftover fries. (They always saved those for the next day) She grabbed a bag and began sweeping fries into it. She might have felt bad for the watch, but she would never feel guilty for stealing french fries, because 1. They're French fries, 2. She loved food and 3. Nothing anyone can really do over stolen fries. Believing she was safe, she walked into the dining room and sat down at one of the tables, where she dug into the fries she collected.

8:59 PM

April heard a meow. She looked up and saw a black cat poking out from a hole in the center of the ceiling. (May was planning to put a chandelier there) She knew this cat, and it was no ordinary cat. Another meow and the cat jumped down. Right before hitting the floor, a light flashed for a tenth of a second and the cat was now human, specifically: Maddie. "You has fries. Can I has some?" April was confused. Was this some sort of trick? "Uh, you know what? I should get going, but feel free to take a handful," She tried to stand up, but she felt something sharp on both of her shoulders. "Nonsense. There's nowhere else you can go, so let's just sit down, split the fries evenly, then go home," Maddie joined April at the table and pulled a few fries out of the bag. "Claws," April's shoulder hurt so bad. Maddie sighed as her claws shrank back into nails, but she kept her arm wrapped around her shoulders, unable to risk her getting away. "Any second, they should be here," she thought. Maddie had run on ahead, being faster than the rest of the group. She found April, now she just had to keep her from running away, and patiently wait for the rest of them to get here.

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