...S...o H...u...n...g...r...y...

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March 11th, 7:04 AM

May had just gotten out of the bathtub, not noticing anything off. Due to having no clock in her room (because her phone was taken away), she had no idea what time she woke up. She walked downstairs to find no one else was home. "Alexa, what time is it?" When she heard the time, May was both frustrated and annoyed at herself. "Ah, s**t! I slept through breakfast," which she wouldn't have minded too much, just one problem, certain sounds were indicating she was hungry. "Just a quick snack," she thought. But when she looked through the cabinets, there were no 'quick snacks' or any food at all, in sight! She checked the fridge, no luck. "Great, just great!" there was no food for May to quiet her growling stomach.

12:37 PM

"Hey, what are you doing here so early? Didn't you have work today?" May was a bit confused. "I managed to get myself a much-needed break. Things are going crazy at the hotel," When she heard that, May gave Mettaton a hug with a reassuring pat on the back. Before May could open her mouth to tell him about her day, an incredibly loud rumble filled the room. After a second, it hit! That sound was coming from May's stomach! Tears filled up her eyes. "I overslept and missed breakfast. I would've had a snack, but there was nothing to eat," she looked ravenous! "You overslept huh?...That's on me...I'm sorry! You looked so adorable when you were in bed, I couldn't, so I just let sleeping dogs lie. Also, I knew we were out of food. That's why..." right on cue, there was a knock on the door. "...I ordered pizza," May broke into a smile. "I love you! I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you!" His face was now covered in smooch marks. He brought in 4 large boxes, setting them down on the coffee table. Before long, one of those boxes was empty. May was finally cured of her munchies.

12:41 PM

Seeing May in a food coma with a little smile gave Mettaton an idea. He stood in the doorway with a video camera. "This little angel was home alone, with no food in her house. The sound of her rumbly belly was full on torture! But just as her munchies were getting out of control, a super god burst through the door, posing dramatically, smiling triumphantly holding pizza boxes in his arms! The little angel couldn't thank him enough and in a matter of seconds, gobbled up a box of the cheesy goodness. And here she is right now, fast asleep with a cute little smile on her face and a little belly stuffed to the brim with pizza," Without even waking up, May did something even cuter. Mettaton's voice was high pitched. (not like the time April tampered with it) "That was the most adorable burp I've ever heard!" May opened her eyes a little bit. "Hey sexy," Mettaton was trying so hard not to laugh.

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