Rain and Relapse

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6:34 PM

May was in bed, cuddling with Mettaton. There was thunder outside and May was desperate for something else to focus on. For some reason, her eyes kept locking onto the belt Mettaton was wearing. It had a pink heart on it. Judging by what she had learned in the game Undertale, (who would've guessed the whole thing was real?) she figured that was his soul. She knew better than to ask about it, but her curiosity was building. Maybe she could...pet it? She reached her arm out, inching closer to it. She pulled her hand away when her stomach growled. Mettaton sat up and tried to go downstairs, but May refused to be left alone. "Let's walk downstairs together. I had Paps make you a meal fit for a queen," But May wasn't in a food mood right now. She just wanted snuggles in bed until the storm blew over and it was safe to come out of hiding, but for now, she would stay under the covers and in the safety of Mettaton's embrace.

6:37 PM

Mettaton managed to get May some food, (courtesy of Helper Bot) but her mouth was clamped shut. Despite her rumbling stomach, May turned away from the spoonful of mac n cheese, keeping her lips sealed. What happened? She was doing so well! Was she just being stubborn, or maybe she was paranoid about weight gain, more likely the second one. Seeing lightning, May ducked under the blankets and hid her face in Mettaton's chest, whimpering, shaking. "Shhh, it's okay," Without emerging from her cocoon, May countered "No, it's not okay. There's an electrical air-pocalypse outside and I'm being forced to take drugs!" her words were muffled, but still understandable. "May, we've been over this probably hundreds of times, food is not drugs," "Pounds, carbs, harmful chemicals, sounds like drugs to me!" May actually did have a point there, food did have drug-like qualities, but it was also something that people literally couldn't live without. "May, the first 2 things you listed, in your case, are much needed, and this food is homemade with organically grown produce, no harmful chemicals at all," May poked her head out from under the blankets. "Really?" "Would I lie to you, my little angel?" Mettaton had the spoon ready. "Well if I'm an angel then you must be god," right when she finished saying that, May found pasta in her mouth. She looked at Mettaton with her eyebrows bent, were they always that bushy? Wait, why was he thinking about her eyebrows? May was scared and hungry, that's what he should be thinking about. Another spoonful of mac n cheese made its way up to May's mouth. "Open up," num. She took another bite of her meal fit for a queen, which was really all of her favorite dinners being served at once. Wait, now her eyebrows weren't all that bushy. They were more normal, however that would be defined. Was he seeing things? Probably.

6:43 PM

Everything on the food tray was slowly disappearing, and May was having a lot of trouble getting comfortable. She was so full but the thought of wasting all that food, how did Mettaton expect her to be able to eat all this? Eh, he probably didn't. May felt something tickling her. She giggled helplessly as the tickles moved over to her stomach before releasing an unexpectedly loud burp. She slapped her hand over her mouth. It made her stomach feel a lot better but that was embarrassing. Mettaton just looked at her and smiled. "Glad to know someone's happy with their meal," he pulled her close and pet her head. "Good girl,"

6:52 PM

May had fallen asleep in a little nest Mettaton had built for her out of blankets and pillows, filled with stuffed animals and Squishy in her arms. "Any chance I could get powdered sugar on those corn dogs?" sleep talk. "Must be dreaming about going to a carnival," Mettaton figured as he walked downstairs with all the food May couldn't eat. It was so much, no wonder she couldn't finish. Plenty of leftovers to pack for school lunches.

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