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December 29th, 6:17 PM

May walked onto the stage and held the mic. "I dedicate this performance to my 'sister'," Mettaton began to worry when he saw the air quotes. The music began. He knew exactly what song this was. He knew she hated April, but still, how could she?! Even worse, she was dressed up like him. This would destroy his good name! "Sorry I cannot hear you, I'm kind of busy," When May got to the chorus, he was just mad! "Stop telephonin' me-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e," as she sang that, she danced in a way that mimicked glitching. After finishing the song, May walked off the stage expecting Mettaton to be so proud of her for showing the people what she could do, but instead, she saw him standing firm with his arms crossed. She then realized she was in big trouble. She had seen him get angry, but he was never mad at her! Neither of them said a word on the way home.

6:24 PM

They arrived back home and Mettaton broke the silence, "May, what you did back there was unacceptable!" His words were like bullets. "What? Did I miss a move, or a note?" Mettaton couldn't believe May didn't know where she went wrong. "You, have senselessly, waltzed up there, with ill intentions, and have ruined my reputation! Everything about your performance was insulting!" He was infuriated. Afraid of making things worse, May just stood there and said nothing. "How could you do something like that?! I should've known such an ungrateful c**t like you wouldn't understand!" Mettaton then realized what he said. He didn't mean that! But it was too late. May ran out the front door, her eyes filled with tears. In less than a second, regret took the place of all his anger. He had made a huge mistake.

6:27 PM

Mettaton had tracked May all the way down to Hotland. He saw she had thrown the bow on the ground. Just up ahead, there she was, in the walkway. She turned around, her back facing the lava. She closed her eyes and leaned back. Just as her feet left the platform, she felt something grab her arm and pull her back up. Mettaton carried her back to the surface and held her tight in his arms. "May darling, I am so sorry I yelled at you! I love you with all my heart and I don't know what I'd do without you! I swear, I didn't mean all those awful things I said, please forgive me!" He heard little May crying as she looked up. "I thought I had lost the love of the one who was closest to me. I didn't want to be in a world where everyone hated me again, so I decided to end my life thinking everyone would be happy with it! But then, you saved me! You do care!!" She kept crying. Mettaton held her head in his hands and wiped away her tears.

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