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April 9th, 3:01 PM

May was unsuccessful in breaking the bonds April had with her friends, but she let it slide, the only bond worth breaking was with Papyrus, and she knew exactly how to do that.

3:04 PM

"Hey Skele-boy, you know what I heard today?" He stopped what he was doing. His curiosity was going to make this so easy! "Well, it turns out that April's love for you is all an act," He seemed shocked, her plan was working! "That's right, she's been pretending to love you so she could use you and plans to get rid of you once you're no longer useful to her," He had no reaction, he just stood there, motionless. Seeing that almost made May feel guilt for breaking his non-existent heart, but she had to keep going, she had to drill deeper. "And you wanna know where I heard that? I saw her cheating on you!" Now Papyrus was finally able to respond. "What?...With who?..." Oh, this was just too good! She had the perfect chance to hit him right where it hurt! "Your brother!" May figured she should probably stop there, but delivering that blow washed so much pleasure over her that she couldn't help but keep dwelling. "That's right. She was telling him the whole thing and they were laughing all about it!" She knew it was sickening, but crushing the skeleton's delicate, fragile emotional estate filled May with pleasure that she would wear with pride as she ripped out April's still beating heart!

3:06 PM

April walked in and Papyrus had confronted her. May had to act fast, she had to kill her before she could tell him that was a lie! "Raaaaaaah!" She jumped on her, pinning her to the floor. But April seemed to know more about combat than May was hoping. This wasn't going to be a slaughter, but a fight. April got back up with a counter behind May. If she could land just one blow, it would be enough to kill April. She attempted a round kick to her head, however, April was swept out of harm's way, and due to lack of preparation for if she missed, May lost her balance and fell back, hitting her head on the edge of the countertop. "Oh god, May, darling are you okay?!" Mettaton hadn't seen the brawl, but he had come in just in time to see May hit her head. The world spun and blurred. May could see stars fluttering around her head as she was picked up and carried, but before she could find out where, it all went dark.

?:?? PM

There were 2 shapes, but it was all a blur, and the voices were muffled, but one sounded worried. "Is she gonna be okay? I mean, she took such an awful blow to the head, what if she wakes up and doesn't recognize me?" it sounded so familiar, was it...Mettaton? "Sh-she just has a m-mild concussion," she knew this voice too, it was that, girl, who was, obsessed with anime, what was her name again? Her vision cleared up and there was Mettaton and, Alphys! That was her name! "How long have I been out for?" May tried to sit up, but a splitting headache prevented her from doing so. "A few minutes, during which I was told the whole story. I'm sorry you got hurt, but how could you tell Pap such a big, hurtful lie?" It was hard for May to answer with her head hurting so much. "So he wouldn't..." she took a moment to gather the rest. "So he wouldn't mourn April after I killed her," Mettaton probably didn't need to ask why. "Kill her? Is that because she threw me down the stairs?" "And tried to forbid contact," April heard them talking and walked in. "You know I can call the police and have you arrested for attempted murder, right?" "F**k off," May barked back weakly. "Save it! Your feud the last thing needed right now," Mettaton turned back to May. "Come on darling, let's get you to bed," He picked her up and carried her upstairs. Despite a major headache and feeling a bit tired, May still managed to say with a moan "It's 3 in the afternoon," "That doesn't matter, you need your rest," she was tucked into bed and tried to sleep, but she rustled around in bed and shot Mettaton a "How do you expect me to get comfortable with such an awful headache?" look.

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