Confession and Punishment

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December 27th, 9:24 AM

The sound of sirens got everyone's attention. April knew exactly what they were here for. She couldn't let them send Papyrus to jail! She ran downstairs to see policemen at the front door. Just as they pulled out their cuffs, she walked up to them. "Wait! Paps, did not, steal, the watch," She couldn't live with this burden any longer. "I did," Her eyes filled up with tears as she gave Papyrus a huge hug. "You wanted it so bad, but I couldn't afford it, and I just had to get that watch for you! I'm so sorry!"

4:16 PM

April had been trialed and sentenced to the rest of the year behind bars. "At least it's only a few days," she thought. It was cold and lonely. Not very many inmates, as in this city, crime was scarce, despite there being a lot of weird, shady looking people on the streets. Well, she could be wrong. Being 15, she was sent to juvenile prison. There were probably a lot of people in regular jail though. Her thoughts were interrupted when the cell door opened. A girl around her age with long, frizzy, silver hair, was thrown onto the ground. The doors closed again and the girl instantly got up and grabbed the bars shouting "You can't keep me locked up in here forever!" She then turned to face April. "So you're the watch thief, eh? Respect. That's real dedication," She had black lipstick, leather fingerless gloves, a spiky choker, and black high heeled combat boots, everything about her screamed goth. "Name's Giselliani," She held out her hand. April got up and shook it. "April. Nice to meet you," She seemed very nice, so what was she doing here? "So, what are you in for?" April asked. "I was also trying to get my boyfriend something he wanted, a brand new car, so I went to the car shop, and I decided to joyride one to his place as a gift, despite not having a license. Now I'm in here for the next three months," she then raised an eyebrow. "Is this your first time here?" She asked. April was confused. "You've been here before?" She asked. "I knocked a bumper off a car a few years ago, I was in here for 2 weeks, enough to know how this prison is run and everyone in it," Giselliani then walked up to the bars and pointed to a young girl with strawberry blonde curly hair. "That's Vian. She's not an inmate, but her dad is a warden, so she's stuck here. Those two evil looking guys over there, thankfully on the opposite corner of this place, are the Kyleston twins, and they do not like me, so stay away from them, and over there, is Renia, she was my cell mate last time I was here. She joined a motorcycle gang, soon afterwards, they enraged a few cops. She should be getting out soon. I hope she does, she's been here for a while," April sat on the bed and looked at the floor. "Aw come on, It's not so bad here. As long as you don't try to escape, cause any trouble, or run into those guys," Giselliani pointed to the Kyleston twins. "No seriously. Do not make eye contact, talk to, or go near those two!" April began to slip through the bars. "Don't even think about trying to escape! I'm telling you, it's not worth it! They'll just extend your stay!" "Fine," April slipped back into the cell, then whispered, "Those bars are way too wide, if I can slip through them, so can any other inmate thrown in here," but Giselliani didn't seem to be worried. "The bars might not stop us, but thankfully, they stop them," another point to the cell in the opposite corner.

6:02 PM

"Please don't tell me the food here is as bad as prison food in the movies," The wardens were escorting everyone to the cafeteria. "It's not the best, but it's not that bad. It falls right in the middle," April sighed in relief. She was not up for something that gross. "Sandwiches huh?" "Don't take them, go for the sausage," a blue haired girl who looked slightly older whispered into her ear. "You must be Renia," "And you must be April," "So, is there anyone else, or just us 5?" "There were others, but they were either released or moved to regular jail," "So just us 5?" She felt a tug on her shoulder and turned to see the Kyleston twins standing right in front of them. "Well hello ladies," "Joyride, Gang, and the newcomer," "What should we call you?" "How about, Watch," Renia then whispered "Walk away walk away walk away," they all did so and sat down at one table while the guys took the other.

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