Walking Down Romance Road

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November 30th, 8:02 AM

It was almost time for breakfast and everyone was finishing up their morning routines. Well, almost everyone. Since she didn't have work today, May was still soaking in the bathtub, completely unaware of what time it was.

8:06 AM

"May!" someone was calling her name from downstairs. She then began rinsing off as fast as she could. "Just a minute!" She flipped the switch and water started flowing down the drain. She then threw on the first clothes she could find (a sprinkle cutout crop top, jellybean leggings, and sundae heels) and quickly put on some makeup (Bubblegum pink eyeshadow, cherry red blush, berry blue mascara, and mint green lipstick) before walking downstairs. "Sorry. Lost track of-" She then realized that call came from the kitchen. "-time," she walked in taking the smallest, slowest steps she could. "Oh, there you are," Mettaton set a plate down at May's usual spot at the table, then examined May's look. "The outfit's cute, we'll talk about your makeup later, and are you using a new soap? You smell like s'mores," S'mores? Well, he seemed to like it. She was definitely going to use it again. Now, about this food. She walked over to the table, took a bite of hash browns, and began heading toward the living room. "Ah, You need more than that," Mettaton grabbed May's arm and dragged her over to her chair. May picked up a slice of bacon and tried to stand up, but a hand on her shoulder told her no.

8:13 AM

After finishing her breakfast, May walked into the living room and opened the front door ready to head out. Just as she was about to step outside, she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Right," she turned around and walked upstairs, waiting for Mettaton.

8:19 AM

Mettaton had told May that he liked what she did with her eyes, but everything else had to change. Her skin was already rosy enough without blush, and the mint green lipstick was swapped out for grape purple. "Oh yeah, almost forgot!" May joined Mettaton downstairs with the pink bow in her hair. "Promised you I'd never leave the house without it, didn't I?" She then opened the front door and stepped outside.

8:26 AM

Mettaton wanted to take May somewhere special. "Where are we going?" May opened her eyes, only for Mettaton to cover them with his hand, careful not to mess up her makeup. "No peaking," They walked for a little bit more and stopped between a sweet shop and a hair salon. Mettaton then allowed May to look. "Recognize this place?" May gasped and gave Mettaton a huge hug. "This is where we met!" she exclaimed! They spent a bit of time here before walking off to another special spot.

8:31 AM

They walked up to the top of a hill in the middle of a field. "It's where we officially became a couple!" May squealed. She then realized something. "I know what the next spot is!" She began running, excited to revisit the next spot.

8:37 AM

May ran over to a corner of the backstage area and smiled as Mettaton walked up to her. "This was the next spot right? Where we kissed?" May was beginning to suspect that she made the wrong prediction. "Yep," Mettaton replied as he walked up to the precise spot where he was standing. Looked like May was already there. Perfect! He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips against hers.

Random Reference Squad ft. Undertale Cast!!!!!!!!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum