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January 9th 7:28 AM

Mettaton had just dropped May off at school and was now on his way to work. Without her to decorate the hotel for special occasions, he had to do it himself. Another thing to add to his crazy busy day, even worse, he had to cut 2 hours off of the day due to having to drive May to and from school. He would follow the original work schedule so the things he had to do wouldn't be so crammed together, but then how would May get to school, or home? She couldn't walk because the streets were dangerous, she wouldn't know when to get off the subway or what to do from there, and hell knows what would happen if she had to go to school an hour early and stay an hour late! He had to come up with some way to make this work.

7:31 AM

Mettaton entered the hotel and sighed. "Let's get this over with," he thought.

2:16 PM

May walked up to the front parking lot, where Mettaton would normally meet her, but he wasn't there! "Must be stuck in traffic," She thought when her phone rang. "Hey, sorry for not being there to pick you up. Things are piling up at work," "It's fine, you don't have to come. I can walk home-," "No!" Mettaton snapped from the other side of the line. There was no way he would let May walk home by herself! "Do not walk home! It's not safe! I don't want you getting hurt!" May knew Mettaton was just looking out for her, but he was being overprotective! She was paying attention to how they got there, it was just a left turn, a block, a right turn, 2 blocks, and another left turn! What could happen?! Remembering what happened last time she spoke without thought, May didn't say this to Mettaton. Instead, she remained silent and walked toward the building. "I'm on my way," the call ended.

4:28 PM

"Metta's here darling, Metta's here," Mettaton held May in his lap, his arms wrapped around her back, her head laying on his shoulders. She was shaking, remembering when, wait a second, when was this? May was about 4. The family was in a hospital room. April was the one in bed. May could see traces of the rose design on the lower back of her neck. "May, can you come here?" Her mom asked from the hallway. April knew what was going to happen, it was because of the paintbrush mark between her shoulder blades. "Stand still, we're gonna make this quick," She heard them arm a weapon. "Wait, no!" She heard April scream before everything turned black. A flash and she was back in the present. Her mascara ran down her cheeks as she explained her flashback to Mettaton. "You know how you earthlings have birthmarks? Well, every myte is born with a design somewhere on their body, and that usually defines their personality. Now I know why my parents hated me! It was because mine is a paintbrush, and on Zhumyte, agriculture is a sin! They killed me!" The girls had long before explained how death works differently for them. If it was a natural cause, you'd remember your previous lives. If your death was induced, you'd only remember the life you're in. This must have been from May's first life. But if her death was induced, how did she remember? Those thoughts were interrupted when May let out a little shriek and buried her face in Mettaton's chest. His shirt was stained black with May's mascara. He would normally be mad, but little May was upset, so he didn't even care. "Shhhh It's okay," he pet her head in a reassuring way. Poor little thing, she was scared to death! Her face was covered in black smudges. He wanted to grab a face wipe to clean her up, but he knew she wouldn't let him leave, even for a second. Plus, he just couldn't. What he could do, is bring her with him to get something to eat, it's way too early to try and sleep. Plus, they both know she would just wake up from a nightmare. Mettaton pat May's hair and did his best to try and wipe the mascara streaks off her face. She started breathing more normally, Mettaton softly said, "Let's walk to the kitchen together, you can sit with me in there while I make us dinner," May didn't really like the sound of food, but at least the smell of bacon or french fries would keep her distracted, so she nodded and walked with him. Mettaton worked quickly while May sat silently at the kitchen table. The sound of the storm was starting to fade thankfully. May's stomach, almost on cue, let out a huge gurgle. She couldn't help but giggle at the ridiculous noise. Hearing May's laugh instantly made Mettaton smile. He filled up two plates and set them both down on the table. 

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