May's Earth Discovery Log

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Entry #4,

So we did some exploring and found some sort of cave. I hope we're not disturbing the peace of any creatures that are probably living here. It's night and it's raining. Is this water or some sort of poison? Checking with this stick, seems like water. Yep, water. I don't like this cave. It's cold, dirty, and wet. I hope we can find something better tomorrow.
-May Thomas, Age 11

Entry #5

Someone found us. A man, with grayish brown hair. Is that a lighter and cigar pack in his belt? I hope not! He says he won't hurt us. Where will he take us? Is that...a house? He says his name is Don, but we could call him what we wanted to. I can't believe it, we're both being let inside? Usually being in a house would be sheer luck! It looks nice, cozy, warm. We're free to explore? On it! Wonder what sort of secrets could lie inside this nice cottage. I shall search every nook and cranny and find out! What am I waiting for? I'll write my next discoveries in a later entry!

-May Thomas, Age 11

Mettaton looked over at May as she finished reading that last bit. She knew he was judging her on how she was looking through Don's stuff. "What!? I was a curious kid ok? If it makes you feel any better, It's not like I was looking through his drawers or anything, just making sure he wasn't a crazy ax murder." Mettaton chuckled "Ok ok, what happens next?"

Entry #6

A bedroom, two bedrooms. A kitchen. A living room with a fireplace. Huh. I like the tiny dressers scattered around the halls, it's a nice touch. Hm, no photos. Aw, he must be lonely! Well, not anymore! I'll stay here with you. You have yourself a new niece Uncle Don!

Mettaton asked, "Don't you mean two nieces?" May didn't look up from the notebook. "No, I wasn't sure how April felt." Mettaton reached over to move the hair out of her eyes. "So if April didn't want to stay, you would stay, and not go with her?" May looked over, "It's not like she was my favorite person in the world! So yea, I didn't care if she stayed or left,"

There he is, in a rocking chair by the fire! I'll go talk to him. He has been so nice to me, more than anyone's ever been! I believe I can trust him, so maybe I can tell him our past.
-May Thomas, Age 11

Entry #7

I told him everything, I don't know if he believes me. He seemed to feel bad though. We then read something called a novel together. It was very interesting. Apparently, an evil wizard killed the parents of a little boy, who was then forced to live with his mean relatives. I felt bad for him, but at the same time, he was so lucky compared to how I was raised.

"According to 11-year-old me, my parents make the Dursleys look like good people,"

Imagining all those letters just flying in through every door, every window and every vent, I couldn't stop laughing. Whoever wrote those sure was dedicated!
-May Thomas, Age 11

"Harry Potter was your first book?" Mettaton asked rhetorically before hugging her tight.

Entry #8

I've been told to go to bed. I can't believe it. I'm normally barely lucky enough to have a pillow! I love this bed, so comfy, but I don't want to sleep! There's so much more exploring to do! I need to know more about Earth! What other creatures live here? What other wonders does it hold? What other things have the people invented? I can't wait for morning! I don't care if it's late at night, I have to learn about this new world! Oh, Uncle Don's coming in! Maybe he can tell me about this place! Aw, what? Sleep? I can't!

May could feel Mettaton looking at her. "Would you be able to sleep if you found yourself in a new world, having made discoveries, knowing there's so much more to explore?" Speaking of sleep, May seemed to be having a little trouble staying awake.

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