Round 2

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October 5th, 9:14 AM

May was having trouble keeping up with the others. "Agh, I can't wait to get off these damn crutches!" she yelled, getting Mettaton's attention. He turned around and walked behind her. "Just 19 more days," he reassured. "19 days? I can't survive that!" "You will. I'll make sure of it," May threw the crutches on the ground. "Screw these things! It takes more effort to use them than it does to just hop!" she began hopping away. Mettaton picked up her crutches and followed her. May kept hopping, but she was getting exhausted, giving Mettaton the chance to catch her. She didn't even bother struggling to get away. Mettaton released her and she instantly dropped her crutches again. Something caught her eye and she hid behind him. He then turned and saw the guy who tried to kill her before. "YOU!"  he held his arms out, guarding May the best he could. "You won't get your hands on her this time!" the man pulled out a knife, but Mettaton knocked it out of his hand. It slid over to a storm drain, and fell into the sewer. Now the man was infuriated! He grabbed May and brought her across the street. He held her by the neck and pulled out an arrow. "No one to protect you now!" May struggled, and managed to break his grip, causing her to fall to the ground. She felt something pierce her shoulder. She braced herself for another hit, but then she heard sirens. A police car took the man away. "May darling!" Mettaton rushed over and lifted her onto her feet. He saw the arrow in her shoulder. It wasn't in there very deep."May, stay calm. I'm going to count to 3. One," He held her tight. "Two," he grabbed the head of the arrow. "Three," he pulled the arrow out. May cried in pain as the world spun, blurred, and faded into black.

11:11 AM

May woke up in her bed. Everything was fuzzy. She looked at her shoulder and saw a bandaged wound where the arrow used to be. What happened? She saw Mettaton, leaning against the wall, with a cable plugged into his neck. He must have run low on batteries again. "Typical Mettaton," she thought as she allowed herself to fall back asleep.

11:32 AM

May felt a hand gently stroking her head as she opened her eyes. "What happened?" she asked. "I brought you here and cleaned you up," Mettaton replied. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Still really tired," She then remembered what that man almost did to her. Her eyes filled with tears. "Shhh. It's okay. He can't harm you anymore,"  May buried herself under the blankets. "I lied! I lied about how I ended up on Earth!" Mettaton was confused. She never told him anything other than she was stolen. "Every year, our queen selects the most hated myte on the planet to be sacrificed! They would be taken to the coldest planet in the universe, where they would then be wounded and left a victim to the blizzards! And if anyone somehow liked them, they would have to watch! 4 years ago, that myte was supposed to be me! Somehow, the ship crew didn't bring nearly enough fuel, so they had to stop on Earth and get more! But when they came back, April and I had abandoned ship. The queen was furious and said that she WOULD make sure I was sacrificed! That's why that man is out to get me, and now, probably you too!" Mettaton dug May out of the blankets and wiped away her tears. "I don't care what happens to me! As long as you're safe, that's all that matters!" 

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