ugh...Way Too Much Pizza...

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May 17th, 3:27 PM

May was at the mall with Mettaton for another shopping trip. Once again, her stomach was rumbling. Why was she always hungry when running errands? As usual, she tugged on Mettaton's shoulder and pointed to a food place. When that failed, she tried rubbing her stomach. Mettaton knew that both of these gestures were May for "Hey! My belly is empty, give me something to put in it," but this was a good chance to teach her a lesson or two, so until she used her words, no num nums. May raised an eyebrow when her usual methods didn't work like they normally would. Oh well, guess she just had to wait and hope Mettaton would hear the rumbles...eventually. Or maybe she could try other ways.

3:29 PM

May saw they were walking past the food court and began walking towards it. "Let's see... Chinese food, tea, seafood, Blegck! Where's all the good stuff?" Now, where was the nearest non-fast-food burger joint?  She wasn't about to make Mettaton spend 7 and a half dollars on a tiny-ass beef circle. Sure, at better quality restaurants they were 8 and a half dollars (or 15 depending on where you go) but their circles had like 11 times more beef. She was hungry, but that didn't make her any less smart of a shopper.

3:41 PM

May gave up her search and let Mettaton drag her to whichever stores he had stuff to do at. Enraged by this failure, her stomach growled--no wait, roared, demanding it be fed. "Okay, he's obviously messing with me! There's no way he didn't hear that!" May thought. She tugged on his shoulder and pointed to her mouth, implying she needed something in it. "What is it? Do you have something stuck in your teeth?" Seriously? He saw the gestures, he heard the rumbling, why was her belly still empty? "Food. Need num nums," Finally, she used her words. Now, to stuff her like a turkey and hopefully, teach her another lesson. 

4:26 PM

May moved over to Mettaton's side of the table. She let her head fall onto his shoulder and put a hand on her hurting, pizza-filled belly. It felt as if she had swallowed a textbook whole. "Why did you let me double my body weight in pizza?" she moaned. Without thinking, May had scarfed down 2 large Hawaiian pizzas, a huge, delicious, and so far very painful-to-digest meal. The pizza alone was probably 10 lbs she just put on, and yep, definitely a food baby taking form there. If she was underweight before, she certainly wasn't now. They were still waiting for the check, so this was the perfect time to have a little talk. Mettaton shrugged May off his shoulder and propped her up in her own chair.  She gave him a confused look but sat up on her own none the less. "May... I'm sure you noticed the first lesson I was trying to teach you." May looked down blushing, but still replied: "I need to use my words..." Mettaton nodded and held her hands in his. "I've been too easy on you. If you want me and everyone else to treat you like an adult, you have to act like one. Acting like an adult is not assuming everyone can read your mind," He tucked his finger under her chin and made her look at him. "Even though I can," He flashed a grin and she smiled back at him. "I'm not done though," May looked down again, he could tell she didn't like being taught lessons, but someone had to do it. Still holding her hands, he went on. "If you would have asked me to get you food when you were first hungry, then you wouldn't have been so starving that you eat two large pizzas," May sat up in her seat ready to argue that he was trying to make her feel bad for eating, but he held his hand up. "Hold on! Now you know I love that you are starting to have more of an appetite, but eating healthy isn't just stuffing your face after not eating. That's really unhealthy actually, and I'm sure you wouldn't hate eating so much if you didn't feel so sick after every time you did," May let her head fall onto the table. "Or look so fat," Mettaton could see where she got the idea, but she would be fine tomorrow.

4:38 PM

May had been really burpy on the way home and nearly threw up entering the condo. May took to the internet sure that she was going to explode any minute. WebMD wasn't any help in calming her nerves. After quitting the page quickly, some other more reliable sources said that she'll be fine, and to find something to do. Apparently falling asleep with a stomach ache isn't good... Well, that explains a lot. A quick scan of her room and May was lost in her sketches. 

7:46 PM

"Hey, I know you're probably not..." Mettaton stopped, May was nose deep in her sketchbook, literally, you could see the smudge marks on the tip of her nose from when it rubbed the paper. Mettaton waited till May sat up to look at her creation. He cleared his throat. May nearly jumped out of her skin! She was so engrossed in her art even that little sound shocked her back to reality. "Mettaton! You scared me half to death!" He was doubled over in laughter. If the sight of May jumping five feet in the air, sending art supplies everywhere, wasn't funny enough, her all puffed up and angry trying to look intimidating with a pencil in her hair and smudges on her nose was just too hilarious. May went from calm to terrified to furious all within a few seconds. She was so mad at Mettaton for scaring her and then laughing. She needed to find a chair. But before she could unleash her anger on the wooden furniture, Mettaton surprised her once again by randomly scooping her up in a bear hug and spinning her around the room. In shock, she didn't immediately wrap her arms around him like she usually would, that is, until she heard him say, "You never stop amazing me my darling." At those words, her anger melted away. "Dinner's ready." May went dead weight and let out an adorable scoff. " If you think I'm ever eating--" Mettaton shushed her with a raised eyebrow as they both heard the softest of tummy rumbles. 

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