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April 10th, 5:02 AM

May walked up to Mettaton holding a plate full of heart-shaped chocolate chip cookies. "Happy birthday, I made these for you," She handed him the cookies, kissed him on the cheek, and walked away with her hands shaped into a heart. She entered the kitchen and handed another batch of those cookies to Papyrus. "Hey, Pap, I wanted to apologize for what I did yesterday, that was very wrong of me, so wrong," She gave him the look that every child and/or cute furry animal wore when they knew they did something bad.

5:04 AM

Seeing that Papyrus didn't seem to accept her apology, May had given up and packed herself a lunch, a big, big lunch. Why? Because she knew breakfast was being made for everyone...except her. It was the same thing with dinner last night. She walked upstairs and began putting on makeup, but it didn't matter how much she put on, all she could see in the mirror was the person who crushed any chance of ever being loved in any world. Her parents were right, she did make the world darker, much much darker just by being in it.

6:53 AM

Mettaton had left an hour early for work, guess May was walking today. She stepped out the door, knowing none of the squad members waited for her. Her head drooped as she walked onto campus. At least she knew her teachers had adjusted her assignments to accommodate her concussion.

11:37 AM

The squad members all made their own circle, not letting May in. Ethan and Ari moved when May tried to sit with them. The softball team, who usually squeezed together to make room for her, just told her there was no space. Seeing no one would let her sit with them, May walked over to the building farthest away from the main hangout area and ducked behind the farthest corner. Like usual, she pulled out her sketchbook and began drawing, but there was no one to praise her for her work, no one to talk to. She swore that when she sat down she could see the dandelions wilt. Wow, not even Mother Nature liked her anymore. That thought was interrupted when paper balls were thrown at her. All of them had mean messages on them such as "slut", "ugly", and "kill yourself,". How long did it take them to get those off the internet? And what had she drawn in her sketchbook? All the good things she used to have in her life. A love, friends, food, money, not anymore. She crossed out everything on the page with big red 'x's. Tears filled up her eyes as she wished to go back in time and do nothing yesterday.

2:16 PM

May began walking home all by herself. Soon the condo was in her sight, but what was going on? Boxes? Oh no! She was getting kicked out? Well fine! She knew a place where she could stay anyway! Not Mettaton's, 'cause he would say no, she had somewhere else in mind.

2:39 PM

It had been years since she had been here, and the place was abandoned, but May knew that she would be welcome here. In the old cottage in the woods, where Don's spirit once roamed. Not wanting to make a mess of the old memory, she left everything in the boxes and sat in the rocking chair by the fire. "Hey, Uncle Don. Thought I'd come visit. I've just had the worst day today," she began to cry. "Everyone hates me now, and I got kicked out of the condo. I done f****d up! Yesterday I did something awful, and now my life is how it began off being all over again! I know you can't hear me, but what do I do now?"

3:41 PM

May was browsing Aidem on her tablet checking in with what the squad was up to when she heard a knock at the door. She couldn't help but be startled and a little scared. She was sure no one would've found her here. Tentatively, she opened the door to see Mettaton standing there, his car a few yards behind him. "May! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Mettaton pushed the door open more and walked in, not waiting for May's response. May stepped back, allowing him to walk past her into the small house. "What do you mean you were looking for me?...I figured you wanted nothing to do with must hate me..." Mettaton turned around, put his hands on May's arms, and bent down till she couldn't help but look at him. "I may not like you very much right now, but that doesn't mean I don't love you. I went to the condo after work, and Maddie told me they put your stuff outside, and haven't seen you since school. I was so worried..." May tilted her head up more surprised by what he was saying. "You don't hate me?" There was hope in her voice. Mettaton quickly stood up and backed away a little. "Just because I don't hate you doesn't mean that I'm not mad and disappointed in you May! You have a lot of work to do to fix what you did." May took a moment to think. "Wait, how did you find me? I swear if you have another tracker-" Mettaton held his hands up in an 'I'm innocent' gesture and cut her off. "I don't need one to know where you are, besides, we read that journal together!" for a brief moment, silence filled the room. May wrapped her arms around Mettaton, tears filling up her eyes. "Please forgive me! I promise, I'll be a good puppy! I'll be nice to all of you, I won't complain, I won't beg, I'll make all of you cookies!" Mettaton held her back, but May could tell there was something off. "I think it's going to take a lot more than cookies May,"

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