Adulting 101...?

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May 1st, 6:43 AM

May walked downstairs in all black and a high ponytail. She adjusted her shades and turned into the kitchen to make herself coffee. May felt overly aware of the spot in her hair that April shaved off. May shook it off and poured her coffee. She made her coffee black and after one sip felt like barfing. "This coffee is so bitter!" May thought, wanting to dump it, but then she sighed. This is what adults do. May chugged the rest of the coffee and turned to leave when Papyrus whispered something in her ear. On the inside, she so badly wanted to smile at what she was hearing, but on the outside she remained expressionless, figuring that Papyrus was just in denial, the first stage of grief.

3:06 PM

Mettaton walked to the condo hoping to surprise May, but someone else answered the door. "May's not home. She's been acting weird all day. She drank black coffee instead of eating breakfast, she hasn't talked to anyone all day, she seemed very tired and all she had for lunch was a 'salad' which was really just lettuce and bacon bits," Cleo explained. Mettaton couldn't believe his ears. "I come back to life hoping I could see May, only to find out she's broken," he thought.

3:12 PM

May was walking down a paved path in a field just outside of town. Was this really what being a grown-up was like? She practically forced herself to keep a straight face all day! And there was no way this was a healthy lifestyle! She hated this. Her stomach: empty, her eyes: baggy, her clothes: drowning in sweat! You know what? F**k growing up! She wanted to be happy! Planning to go home, she turned around to see Mettaton. She ran into his arms, crying. "I thought you were dead!" Mettaton just let her cry on his shoulder, figuring she was holding back her emotions all day. "April felt you were keeping me from growing up, but f**k that! I want cuddles, I wanna be allowed to have feelings, I don't want the rest of my life to be work, salad and sleepless! If growing up means I have to be depressed, I'm just gonna be a kid forever!" Where the hell was May getting these ideas? "May, everyone has to grow up at some point, but that doesn't mean you have to grow up," May couldn't be more confused by what she just heard. "Don't ever lose that childlike charm," He began petting her head, but something was off. He ran his fingers through her hair to find some of it was shorter than the rest. Before he could say anything, May ranted on about everything April did to her yesterday. "Squishy! I forgot! I need to sew him back up!" Before she could start running, Mettaton picked her up and carried her to his car. May gave him a look. "What? Did you think I'd make you limp all the way home?"

4:27 PM

May had taken a much-needed bath and was now in bed cuddling with Mettaton. Hopefully, no one would come in on them. Just in case, May put up a sign on her door saying "only fugitive aliens, sexy robots, and/or cute furry animals may enter". Was she hearing meows? She got up and found paws poking in from underneath the door. Maddie's cats, they were most definitely cute furry animals, so she let them come on in. They followed her into bed and joined in on the snuggles. All 4 of them were given pets before a black cat poked her head through the cracked open door. "There's your mama, why don't you 4 go over there and see what she needs?" May gently set them one by one down on the floor and watched as they all walked out of the room like a row of ducklings. Meow, back to cuddling.

6:21 PM

The door opened. May was already getting defensive. She would stop at nothing to protect her love from this red-headed threat! A soft bark was all that was needed to warn him of the potential danger. "Stand down, May. I'm only up here to let you 2 know that dinner's ready," Oh...false alarm...more cuddles! Wait, why was Mettaton getting up? May crawled on top of him, refusing to let him leave. "Yeah, that's right, stay here so we can cuddle for eternity," she thought. Mettaton picked her up and began carrying her, but when he saw the look April was giving him, he set May down and walked into the kitchen. He dished up 2 plates and turned to the stairs, but there was that look from April again. "May!" he shouted, turning his head to face the stairs. "Get your adorable little ass down here!" He didn't want to be so tough on May, but that look told him that he was being way too soft.

6:34 PM

The meal was coming to a close, during the whole thing Mettaton was so aware of all of the things he had done that could be seen as spoiling May. Cleaning up her mess, or bringing her plate to the sink for her were all habits for him by now. May didn't seem phased by the lack of attention Mettaton was giving her. Which only proved April's point that he had been coddling her needlessly. He kept expecting May to look at him for help. When she was done with eating, he had to stop himself from praising her, and cleaning off her plate. After the meal though, May was still wanting cuddles. Thankfully she still needed him for that!

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