Yet Another Hospital Trip

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November 7th, 6:18 AM

Mettaton walked into May's room and saw her crying in pain. On top of that, something looked off. He felt her forehead. She had a fever, but this was definitely something way more serious than the flu. Mettaton picked her up and began carrying his little D.I.D. to the hospital.

6:23 AM

They arrived at the hospital and were taken in immediately. The nurse recognized the problem right away and called a doctor over. They were brought into a different room where they were told what the situation was. Poor May. She had appendicitis and needed surgery.  Mettaton could see that she was absolutely terrified. He wiped away her tears and revealed little Squishy. "Thank you so much," she held Squishy tight, grabbed Mettaton's hand, and refused to let go of either, even when it was time for the operation, and wow she was strong.

8:07 AM

"Maddie, get ready, we have to be at the hospital in half an hour," Cleo told her sister. "Do I have to get my tonsils removed?" her voice sounded coarse. "Open," Cleo knew that doctors knew what they were doing, but being the (somewhat) overprotective sister she was, she still always examined the situation herself. "How ironic. The tonsils are supposed to help stop infections, but they just get infected instead," "Well, at least they try to be helpful. Wisdom teeth do absolutely nothing except throw your jaw out of alignment, which is why most people, including me today, have to remove them," Cleo replied. "I can't believe it. 3 squad members, each getting a different body part removed, on the same day," Cleo looked confused. "3?" she asked. Maddie then clarified "May just got her appendix removed this morning," They both felt awful. "Poor thing," "Well, at least she won't be alone," Cleo was trying to stay positive as they both left for the hospital.

8:14 AM

Mettaton walked into the room, where May was laying in bed. She looked so tired and so scared. Once again, she grabbed his hand and refused to let go. But since she just had surgery, her grip wasn't nearly as strong as it was before. "What did I do to deserve all this?" Tears began to fill up her eyes. Mettaton didn't even respond. He just wrapped his arms around her and gave her the hug of a lifetime. It was long, comforting, tight, and wait, did he just, he kissed her on the cheek. Her face turned a little red. She was set back down and instantly fell asleep. May was in a forest, up in tree branches. Close to her, there was a hive. Below her, were others, asleep. She pulled out a sword and began cutting through the branch where the hive was hanging from. One of the bugs noticed her. She winced at the sharp pain in her stomach. "Must, keep, cutting, down, hive," she thought. Another sharp pain. "Almost, done," she kept moving her weapon back and forth, back and forth, and the hive fell to the ground. Everyone below her got a front row seat to the wrath of the enraged insects. All of a sudden, the forest began to spin. She felt something penetrate her chest as the branch she was on went up, up, up.

8:17 AM

Just before she came in contact with the fallen leaves, the canopy above changed to a white ceiling, as if someone turned off a TV. She then heard a sigh. "I knew we shouldn't have watched The Hunger Games last night," the familiar voice said in regret. May was browsing the disk cabinet. She wanted to prove that she could handle a rated R movie, but there were none. "Guess I just have to stick to PG-13, which I already watch half the time," she thought. Her finger landed on The Hunger Games. "Never seen this before, but it seems scary enough," she opened the case and pulled out the disk. Mettaton walked up to her, took both the disk and case out of her hands, and shook his head. "Come on, I can handle it," "No," Mettaton had seen that movie and did not approve of May watching it. (He had gone ahead and watched every movie in the cabinet, which took a while since Maddie's collection was huge, she let the others watch them, but on one condition, they had to be organized correctly) "Please," May begged. "No," She gave him the puppy dog eyes. He couldn't say no to those! And now he was regretting not saying no to them. Well, that was the hard part. He knew when to say no to May, but it was just those eyes! They made the task impossible! Just, how could anyone resist something so cute?

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