Anger Issues

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September 18th, 6:12 AM

Cleo was sitting by the window, drinking hot chocolate. She was just so, mad. Jimena had just left for junior college that morning and everyone said their goodbyes. She was only 2 hours away, and she promised to visit wherever she could, but it wasn't the same as having her live with them. She was also Cleo's best friend, and one of the only things that helped keep her sane. She lived for Maddie, but she was very self reliant and hardly needed her anymore. She remembered back in January, when Maddie was in labor. Cleo had given birth the day before, and now it was Maddie's turn. She held her hand through contractions, told her when to push, even helped her feed them for the first time. It felt like it was yesterday. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard cries. She walked down to the basement and picked up her babies. "Thanks, you two for reminding me I have someone else to live for," she thought before singing them a song. Drops of Jupiter worked really well on them, which was perfect since it was Cleo's favorite. She would always sing it to herself whenever she was feeling helpless, or just to pass the time. When she finished, she saw she was in the kitchen. She got so lost in song, she wasn't paying attention to what she was doing. "Whoops," she thought before walking back down to the basement. Violet and Lily were sound asleep in their cribs. They were peaceful little ones. They didn't cry much, and they weren't all that fussy. Maddie's twins on the other hand, were much harder to work with. They didn't cry much either, but it was a lot harder to feed them or put them down for a nap. 

9:06 AM

Cleo knew Maddie would be leaving for her workout session with Undyne any minute. She had fully recovered from last week's incident, but Cleo was still worried, so she walked into the living room and looked out the window. Undyne was walking up to the door. Maddie quickly said bye before heading out to meet her.

9:08 AM

Cleo punched the Mad Dummy statue in the basement to let out her aggression. Usually dancing would help, but her anger was full on flames today. She had learned to keep her composure around her sister, but other than that, it was a complete flood of rage. It was like a dam's floodgates. After Cleo got all that fury out of her system, she saw the torn fabric, the shredded statue and the scattered stuffing. What had she become? Maybe she needed to start seeing Undyne for anger management lessons. That fish knew more about aggression than anyone!  She pulled out her phone, and snapped a photo of the mess she made during her meltdown. She sent it to Undyne along with a message, "This is what I've become, please help me," She shut off her phone and began to clean up the stuffing. Her phone chimed. She opened it up. It was a reply, "Today, my house, 1," "Perfect," Cleo texted back and continued cleaning.

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