Chapter 6: Cleaning the Hood

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CJ woke up the next morning. He never felt any more comfortable sleeping back inside his mother's house. He stared at the ground and found his mother's picture on the floor. He sighed in sadness and wished that he could've listened to his mother during the day Brian was killed. Now thanks to his decision, his mother was now with her youngest son.

This is why CJ was glad he wasn't allowed to leave town. He wanted to redeem himself and help out his brother and friends and gain back their respect for him. He had no clothes to change into. So he left on the clothes he had now and decided to see Sweet.

CJ dashed downstairs and looked around the kitchen. He spotted a box of cereal on top of the refrigerator and grabbed the box. He searched into the cabinet for a bowl and the drawer for a spoon. He took them to the table in the dining room, poured the cereal and milk inside the bowl, and enjoyed his breakfast. As he ate, he thought about how his gang would find their way back on top in the 1990s. The Ballas and Vagos have taken over the whole town, and it was only a matter of time until all of the members of his gang were all eliminated.

After he finished his breakfast, he decided to go see his brother and headed out of the door. He entered his brother's house and walked through the hallway, where he heard Sweet and Big Smoke having a conversation inside the kitchen. Big Smoke and Sweet were sitting at the table while Ryder was leaning against the counter smoking his joint. The song "Funky Worm" by the Ohio Players was playing.

"Hey, you gotta keep it real, man," Big Smoke was telling Sweet.

"Man, nobody give a shit about the hood," Sweet told him as he rose out of his seat and walked to the refrigerator.

"I do!" Smoke protested.

"All they do is sell yay and ruin the place," Sweet replied as he opened the fridge door. "No crack ever made a gang tight."

"I don't know man," Big Smoke said.

CJ walked in just in time. "Whassup, y'all?" CJ greeted.

"Whassup, CJ?" Sweet greeted back.

"What's cracking?" Ryder replied, giving CJ some dap.

"Man, all they care about is smokin' and money," Sweet continued.

"You can't knock a homie's hustle, Sweet," Big Smoke told him.

"Them marks ain't soldiers," Sweet said, returning to Smoke. "They're idiots trying to be business men."

"Yeah, but they're down with us, man," Smoke tried to convince Sweet.

"All they down with is money," Sweet replied

He then turned to CJ. "CJ," he told him, "go down there and show these fools you mean business. These chumps from the Ballas are sweating the homies. Go put pressure on them. Just do it."

"We been putting time in the hood, but we gotta get the homies back the old days," CJ said.

"Yeah," Ryder added in agreement.

"Yeah, you right!" Sweet said. "So you and Ryder go handle your business!"

He then turned back to Smoke. "Man, they'd slang to their own momma," Sweet continued. "They don't care about nothing."

"You're naive, my friend," Big Smoke told him. "We gotta keep our focus."

CJ and Ryder began exited out of the kitchen, with Ryder smoking his joint.

"We need some back up," CJ told Ryder. "You seen B-Dup?"

Ryder released the joint out of his mouth and struggled to catch his breath. "Nah," he grunted, "but him and homeboy Bear they'd be good to have on our side."

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