Chapter 97: You've Had Your Chips

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The hours had elapsed, and CJ spent the rest of the afternoon playing games in the Four Dragons Casino. He made a good amount of money from card games and slot machines. He was having the time of his life, and he couldn't wait to show the others. It was a long way from the 'hood, and he was eager to bail Sweet out of jail and finally getting back at Big Smoke. He currently was playing Black Jack with Woozie in the room.

"Hit me!" Woozie demanded.

"Are you sure, man?" CJ asked.

"Yeah," Woozie replied. "I'm going for a five card hand! Come on..."

"OK," CJ muttered, handing Woozie a card from the deck. "Here."

Both CJ and Woozie looked at their hands. "I'm gonna stick," CJ said. "What you got?"

"How would I know?" Woozie asked. "You tell me."

CJ then remembered that Woozie was blind. So he looked at the cards in Woozie's hands. "Not good, man," he told him. "You got, eerr, forty-seven."

"Damn," Woozie groaned. "You're bad luck for me. You know, when I play the other guys I always win!"

Just then, Guppy arrived and tossed two chips right on the table in front of Woozie. "Boss, take a look at these two chips!" he told Woozie.

"One's a fake," Woozie muttered nonchalantly.

"That's amazing," CJ said, sounding slightly impressed. "You didn't even touch them."

"No, I just took a guess," Woozie said. "Why else with he come in with two chips and sound so worried? You take a look."

CJ then stood up off his seat and examined the chips. "Oh yeah," he figured out. "The dragon on this got the sunglasses and the white stick."

"Insolent bastards!" Woozie grumbled silently as he rose up from his seat and slammed both his palms onto the table.

"I'll make sure the cashiers are extra vigilant," Guppy promised.

"It's obvious where these chips are coming from," Woozie said.

He turned to Carl. "The Sindacco family owns a plastics factory across town," he said. "I'm gonna blow it to shit!" This caused Woozie to bang on the table even harder.

"Man, look," CJ reminded him. "Don't trip. I got you on this."

CJ left the room and hopped onto his Sanchez. He rode through The Strip and made a left turn on The Visage. He drove through Harry Gold Parkway and made a left on Redskins West, which he drove through and finally came across the factory on Julius Thruway West.

CJ had to find a way to sneak into the factory without being spotted. So he hopped onto a bus stop that was right behind the wall of the factory and hopped the wall.

Once he was now inside, he crept behind the wall, looking from behind to spot a blue car with a couple of the Sindacco family members inside. Luckily for CJ, neither one of them were watching. So he slowly crept to the entrance of the factory and peaked inside.

"Hey, who's this prick?" he heard a man say. It turns out there were even more members inside the factory.

So much for stealth! CJ thought.

"Somebody take care of this joker!" another member said.

CJ turned to find the two family members hopping out of the car and shooting at him. He quickly took cover behind the wall outside and shot at both of them with his SMG, killing them each.

"Somebody's got a fucking death wish if they started trouble around here!" another member shouted from inside the factory.

He then snuck inside the factory and came across several family members. CJ ducked behind the boxes and took each family member out one by one. There were bullets firing around the factory, and CJ took cover and did some rolls to avoid them all as he killed each member at a time.

When everyone else was already dead, CJ snuck up to one of the corpse on the ground and grabbed the combat shotgun beside it. He used the shotgun to aim for one of the machines and fire, blowing up completely. CJ repeated the same process with the other machines around the factory and soon, every last machine was completely destroyed.

As CJ exited the factory, he saw that there were more members of the Sindacco family outside. He took cover behind the blue car as they fired their bullets at him and hopped inside.

He started the engine and zoomed to the exit just up ahead. He checked his rear-view mirror just in time to catch the cops right behind him. CJ had to lose the police. Since he wasn't familiar with Las Venturas, he had no idea how to get to the Paint 'n' Spray shop. So he looked around to find one while trying his hardest to avoid the cops chasing him from behind.

He turned to his right and went straight ahead through the road in Redsands East, where he found a Paint 'n' Spray shop and dashed right inside as the door closed.

As soon as the cops zoomed past the shop, the door opened, and CJ slowly backed out and back onto the road. He looked around to find any more cops sniffing out for him, as well as the other members of the Sindacco family. He decided to head back to the Four Dragons Casino, making a right turn at The Strip and straight ahead. He turned to his right and approached the garage on the right side.

As he hopped out of his vehicle, he spotted a blue Washington car emerging from the open garage. CJ too a closer look to find Guppy inside as the latter pulled up in front of CJ

"Hey, Carl, how'd it go?" Guppy asked CJ.

"Tell Woozie, we'll be getting no more trouble with them counterfeit chips," CJ replied with a grin.

Guppy just nodded with satisfaction and drove off. CJ looked around as he walked down to street and to the front of the Four Dragons Casino. Things were just starting to go his way during his stay in Las Venturas so far.

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