Chapter 70: Zeroing In

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Everything was almost finished. CJ had already purchased the car showroom from across the street. Now all he needed to do was collect a few cars. With Cesar, Ryder, and LB backing him up, CJ had more than enough help to get the job done. Right now, the four were playing poker inside the garage. Cesar turned his cards over.

"Read 'em and weep, cabron!" he called in victory.

"Ah shit," CJ muttered.

"Damn, Ceez!" LB added. "You good!"

"Jeah, he may be good," Ryder sneered, "but he ain't great! Check the stats, motherfucker!"

He slammed his cards to the table to show his four-of-a-kind.

"Ah shit!" Cesar groaned. "I thought I had you for sure!"

"I told you, my Varrio nigga!" LB said to Cesar. "You can't beat Ryder in poker. Just ask Sweet."

"Damn, Ryder, you're a fucking beast at this game," Cesar told Ryder.

Just then, Kendl stormed to the foursome.

"So this is it, huh?" Kendl asked. "The great new business venture that's supposed to save all of our worthless lives?"

She slowly closed in on CJ.

"Leave it to Kendl Killjoy here to fuck up a good mood," Ryder groaned sarcastically. "C.R.A.S.H. should've traded her in for Sweet instead."

"Stay the fuck out of this, Lance!" Kendl snapped. She turned to CJ. "And you, what have you been doing since buying the car show room?! Huh?! When's the last time you've ever put in any hard work outside that senseless killing and bullshit gang wars?! Huh?!"

"Wanna get in?" CJ asked facetiously, deliberately ignoring Kendl's lecture towards him. She just smacked him on the back of the head.

"Look, I thought this was supposed to be our foot on the ladder!" Kendl shouted sternly. "I thought we were gonna make this place work!"

"We are making this place work," LB replied. "We're working on building a hangout for us boys."

The other three laughed at LB's joke. But Kendl was getting fed up at this point. She took a cold hard stare at each of the four guys.

"Hey, it might look like we're playing cards, but we actually planning," CJ told her.

"Don't worry, sweet baby," Cesar replied. "We're about to go get our first project."

"Don't mind her, Ceez," Ryder told him. "She's always like this whenever she wants to make up for her favorite outfit."

He and LB just laughed. Kendl can feel her face burning. She disliked it strongly when anyone would make fun of her outfit, which she was very sensitive of. It was worse when Ryder usually did it since his remarks were much more subtle.

"Shut the fuck up, Lance!" Kendl snapped at Ryder, turning sharply to the 5-foot-tall gangster. "This ain't got nothing to do with you!"

"Hey, it ain't my fault you can't dress for shit!" Ryder shot back. "Maybe you should listen to Sweet for once! But since that ain't happening, there's a job over at the Pleasure Domes club!"

Kendl started to charge at Ryder, but CJ hopped out of his seat and got in between the two.

"Hey, break it up, you two!" CJ shouted. "Ryder, quit throwing shades at my sister. Kendl, stop trying to put yo' hands on my homie. Honestly, y'all two need to start getting along if you really want to make this place work, and all this arguing ain't gonna help!"

"Fine," Kendl grumbled.

"Cool," Ryder muttered simultaneously.

"Hey, we all in this together," LB replied. "We gonna make this place work. We just need some time to think about this."

"Jeah," Ryder added. "Plus I got a call from Lisa this morning and she said she was gonna be here tomorrow to help design the place."

"See, Kendl?" Cesar told Kendl. "We're still here to collaborate. Just be patient. We got this."

"At last, it works!" Zero, who just came out of the back of the garage, shouted out.

"What works?" Kendl asked.

"Oh, just a simple bit of electronic wizardry and intellectual bombast that hacks into the state-of-the-art satellite immobilization technology on board our target vehicle!" Zero announced. "Ahhh, me..."

"Nigga, what up with the nerd jargon?" Ryder asked. "Speak concisely, motherfucker!"

CJ just stood up.

"I don't know what he just said, but it's on!" CJ said, walking over to Zero as the other three hopped out of their chairs and walked alongside Zero as well.

"Yes, it's on!" Zero shouted. "Wait... what's on?"

Back outside, Zero has provided a blue Alpha used as a tracking device. CJ took a discerning look at the vehicle.

"Here, this gadget is set to pick up on cellphone signals," Zero explained to CJ. "Each time she makes a call, it will give you the new location. You'll have to stay close if you're going to get an updated position though. OK?"

"For sure," CJ responded. "Good lookin' Zee."

So CJ drove onto the rode and used the tracking device to locate the woman in another vehicle. He drove around the street, using the tracking device to locate the vehicle he attempted to retain for the modification in Ocean Flats.

As CJ drove, the tracking device finally started bleeping, and CJ saw the vehicle up ahead, a purple Uranus driving on the rode. CJ kept his speed and drove fast enough to spin the vehicle out of control, causing a Latina woman wearing a blue sunhat and a matching tracking outfit to hop out of the car to run away.

CJ hopped into the Uranus and drove back to the garage at Doherty. As he arrived to the garage, the door opened, and CJ drove inside the garage before hopping out of the vehicle.

"Success!" Zero shouted as the rest of the members came around. "I knew my intellectual wizard would dissect this elusive destination!"

"Seriously, dude," LB told the nerd, "you gotta cut back on the nerd jargon. It's getting annoyingly pretentious."

"Well looks like we got our first ride," Jethro stated. "Now me and Dwaine will work on this vehicle and modify it when it's finished."

Just then, Ryder's cellphone rang. He pulled it out to answer it.

"Jeah," he answered. "Ah what up, Lees?"

Ryder walked away to talk to Lisa in private. CJ looked around the garage to see the rest of the members putting in work. Things were starting to look his way.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Rewrite)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang