Chapter 85: Training of Thought

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The next day, CJ was at his apartment flipping the channels. Despite what happened last night, he and Lisa still had a great time. After all, it was just as much fun to beat the crap out of a bunch of guys as it was to sit by the pier watching the nice view. CJ did, however, think about what Lisa said and figured that he could improve on his fighting skills a bit.

So after twenty minutes of television time, he decided to go over to Lisa's house to take some fighting lessons from her. Despite her cute appearance, Lisa could pack a powerful punch. She always did a lot of training when it came to fighting. She knew that street-fighting wouldn't cut it for her and wanted to try her hand in kickboxing instead. She was rather good at it as she practice for years since the age of seven. Lisa always told herself that when a lady grows up in the hood, she needs to learn how to defend herself.

So CJ decided that he should take some kickboxing lessons from Lisa. He headed out of the door and hopped inside his vehicle. As he started the engine and rode on, he looked around San Fierro. It was steady and nice outside. The cars were moving around steadily, and the trolley was rolling quickly, but smoothly. CJ even passed the Art of Automobiles shop to see that a lot of people were lined up to get their vehicles modified. It was great for him to see that his business empire was doing well. CJ drove Downtown and finally made his way to Lisa's house.

He hopped out of his vehicle and walked over to the door. After knocking for a good eight times, he waited until the door opened. After twenty minutes of waiting, the door swung open, and CJ saw Lisa standing right up front.

"Greetings, Carl," she said.

CJ was rather stunned with what she was wearing. She had on a blue sports bra over tight black knee-length yoga pants that hugged her wide hips and black ankle socks. Her curly hair was tied in a bun. She wasn't wearing her earrings or hairband. CJ's jaw dropped by her appearance, and he just couldn't say anything regarding it.

"What?" Lisa asked.

CJ shook his head and quickly shut his mouth. He didn't wanted to start drooling for Lisa. "Nothing," he uttered. "So we gonna start kickboxing?"

"Sure, Carl," Lisa answered. "Just take off your shoes and I'll take you to the room upstairs."

CJ complied to Lisa's demands and set his sneakers right next to the door.

"Now follow me," Lisa demanded, guiding CJ through the hallway.

CJ felt his lower region getting stiff as he took a stare at Lisa's shapely, round behind through her tight pants as she walked. He couldn't take his eyes off. It especially didn't help when he followed Lisa up the stairs. He kept his mouth shut, not wanting Lisa to call him out on his perverted tendencies.

Lisa finally made it inside the room, in which it had a punching bag, some fighting gear, towels, a water bottle case, and some jump rope. Lisa then turned around to face CJ, who quickly moved his eyes to her face.

"So this is where I usually work out in," Lisa told CJ. "I don't like wasting my hard-earned cash on some gym. So I prefer to just stay here and work out. It's much cheaper."

"I feel you," CJ said. "Gotta save that paper."

Lisa bent over to pick up the fighting gear, with CJ taking another hard stare at her behind. He kept his legs together, trying to prevent an erection. Lisa then turned around and handed CJ a head gear, some wrist tape, a mouthguard, and some boxing gloves.

"Put these on," Lisa told CJ. "You might want to prepare yourself when we go sparring."

So CJ complied to Lisa's demands and wrapped the wrist tape around his hands and wrists. He put the mouthguard in his mouth and adjusted the head gear onto his head. He then placed the boxing gloves in his hands and faced Lisa, who was also dressed for sparring.

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