Chapter 53: Photo Opportunity

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CJ woke up the next morning. It was now 7:30 AM, and the sun was barely up. CJ missed the sunrise back in Liberty City. He got dressed, ate a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast, and bounced out of the door.

CJ decided that he could kill some more time going to the gym. So he hit the weights and decided to do a little more sparring with the trainers. After a full hour, he left the gym to go to a night club. There, he gambled for cash during a game of pool with other patrons and won in almost all the games.

After CJ decided to go to the shooting range, play more arcade games, shop for new clothes, and eating out, ten hours had passed, and CJ decided to head over to the garage.

"Hello!" CJ bellowed. "Anybody there?!"

CJ looked around. No one was there.

So CJ decided to relax and took a second to think. So far, he was living pretty well. He owned a garage in San Fierro. He got to work with a nerd who still plays with RC Barons. He had friends and allies to help him out so he didn't have to do too much dirty work. Now all he had to do was relax.

So he sat on a nearby sofa against the wall and grabbed the remote off the coffee table. He decided to turn on the television and as it came on, an episode of his new favorite sitcom Martin was shown. The episode was about Martin trying to get Gina a gift for the two's anniversary and decides that heart is the true gift to give Gina.

CJ spent the next three hours watching other programs on television when all of a sudden, he heard his cellphone ring. CJ took it out of his pocket to answer it.

"CJ," he heard Cesar call.

"You got it," CJ answered.

"Hey, my cousin just called me," Cesar said. "He gave me a tip about a Balla car going San Fierro to score yay."

"Shit, we gotta find out who's supplyin' those cats!" CJ replied.

"Read your mind, holmes," Cesar said. "I picked them up at the Mulholland Intersection and I'm trailing them now."

"Okay, where you at?" CJ asked.

"Red County, holmes," Cesar answered.

"OK, I'm coming to meet you," CJ answered.

"Better make it fast, holmes," Cesar urged. "These boys aren't hanging around!"

As CJ hung up, he saw Ryder and LB pulling over to the parking lot in Ryder's Picador.

"What's happenin' with you, Ryder, LB?" CJ greeted.

"Nuthin' much, homie," Ryder replied.

"We all about the Bens, motherfucker!" LB replied, showing CJ a prolific amount of cash. "With me and Ryder's teamwork, there's no way Smoke's lackeys are gettin' past us!"

"Oh yeah!" CJ replied. "Y'all got yo' hustle on, I see. Look, I just got a call from Cesar. He said that there were a group of gang settin' up a deal somewhere on Whetstone. We gotta meet Cesar over at Red County."

"A'ight, homie," Ryder said as he slid to the passenger seat. "Let's go see what's up. You down, LB?"

"You know I'm always down, Ryder," LB said. "You and I go way back, nigga."

CJ hopped inside the driver's seat of the Picador. He backed up and drove to the street. He looked both ways and made a right turn onto the road.

"Careful not to roll the vehicle off the road, nigga," Ryder told CJ. "You know how reckless these motherfuckers on the highway be."

"Listen to Ryder, Ceej," LB added. "These motherfuckers on the highway drive almost as bad as the motherfuckers back in LC."

CJ just continued driving and entered the freeway. He drove as carefully as he could, barely avoiding most of the wild drivers around him.

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