Chapter 73: Puncture Wounds

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After a few hours, night has fallen, and Dwaine and Jethro were sleep in the garage with beer and cards on the table. They had passed out. Ryder was at a place in San Fierro waiting on Lisa to come tomorrow and wanted to get a goodnight sleep to be up on time to pick her up. LB was lounging on the couch watching Martin on television. CJ was in the office reading a magazine.

Just then, he heard a car squeal inside the garage and hopped out of his seat to find Cesar exit the vehicle furiously and storm towards CJ.

"Hey man, where you been?" CJ asked the now-steamed Varrio.

"I tracked one of the cars on our shopping list, but the crazy bitch, she drives like the devil!" Cesar shouted furiously. "I've been following her for hours, but she stops for nothing! You'd have to ram her off the road in order to get a chance to get her car and you know a wrecked car is no good to us! I swear she is playing with me!"

He kicked a barrier in anger. This was the time for CJ to step in to chill his friend out.

"Dude, calm down!" CJ told him, not noticing Dwaine and Jethro walking by. "If she's playing with you, then she probably won't get one-time involved until it turn ugly. We gotta find a way to stop here, or slow her down."

"Too bad we can't involve the police," Cesar groaned, "because then they could pop her crazy bitch tires and bang her crazy bitch ass in jail for being a danger to my sanity!"

CJ took a second to think.

"You know what," he said. "I think I've got an idea..."

So CJ decided to use a Tampa, impact with stingers and some spare tires in the back, in order to flatten the tires of the target vehicle that Cesar said was the Stratum. He told CJ that the crazy woman drove down to Whetstone and would have to be careful driving down there.

So CJ made his way on the road and entered the highway. He knew he had to be mindful about this mission, because aside from the fact that the Badlands is already a rocky place to drive through to begin with, the Tampa only had 3 stingers. So CJ knew he had to time it right in order to succeed.

While driving through the highway, CJ got a glimpse of the great scenery. The bright, shining moon glowed in the blue and purple nocturnal sky. The lights on the freeway and car headlights flashed around the streets. The mountains and trees formed a dark silhouette in the background. Even the buildings on the right side glittered with lights.

When CJ reached the end of the road, he saw the Stratum driving up ahead. So he closed in on the vehicle, zoomed past it, and released the stingers from behind, causing the vehicle behind him to run into the spikes, flattening the tires. The woman, who was wearing a skimpy red dress, hopped out of the vehicle and ran away.

CJ then heard his cellphone ringing and pulled it out to answer it.

"Hey, CJ," Cesar answered through the phone. "How's it going with that crazy bitch?"

"Popped her!" CJ replied. "Just about to fix the tires, should be back any minute."

"OK," Cesar said. "Careful with that puncture repair shit, CJ, it's nasty stuff!"

"Will do," CJ responded. "Later, man."

He then opened the back door of the Tampa and pulled out two spare tires each. He rolled one at a time to the damaged Stratum and returned to the Tampa. He opened the trunk to pull out each of the two tires inside as well. He also pulled out a toolbox from inside the Tampa and walked to the Stratum.

CJ spent minutes fixing the tires. Dwaine and Jethro had already taught him how to change tires. So CJ took what he learned and used a pump and electric wrench to take out each of the four flat tires out of the Stratum and replaced them with each of the spare tires.

"Man, this stuff is disgusting," CJ muttered, reminded by Cesar's warning. "Aw shit, all over my clothes!"

By the time CJ had finished, his clothing was now covered in grease. His hands was smeared with the black substance, and he had no napkins to wipe them off with. He knew he should've prepared himself before he decided to do the job.

So CJ left behind the Tampa and drove back onto the freeway with the Stratum. He took an exit to the right and made a left turn on Doherty road. Through there, CJ finally made his way inside the garage, where CJ and LB were standing right there.

"Damn, playa!" LB said, observing CJ. "You look like you lost a fight with the tar monster!"

"I told you, holmes," Cesar added. "Should've been dressed for the occasion. But at least you got the ride from that crazy bitch."

"Fo' sho', homie!" LB said. "And the best part, we got the Wang Car dealership. Now all we got to do is decorate this garage and we finished! Great job, CJ, but, uh, you might wanna go back home to clean up."

"Sure thing, LB," CJ replied. "I'ma hang out at my apartment and get myself a goodnight sleep."

"Peace out, CJ," Cesar called to him.

"You too, Ceez," CJ called back.

He walked down the street and made it to his apartment. As he got inside, he darted to the bathroom and washed his hands. He left, grabbed a towel and washcloth, pulled out a pair of clothes from his bedroom, and returned to the bathroom. He removed his dirty clothing and hopped inside the shower.

The hot-warm water felt nice around his body as he rubbed soap around himself. After a twenty-minute wash, CJ finally turned off the water and exited the shower as he dried himself with his towel. He dressed up in his night clothes and walked into his bedroom.

As he lay on his back on the bed, he felt rather grateful to himself. He didn't have to deal with any more gangs, he had a car showroom, and he had his sister and allies backing him up to run a business in San Fierro. All he had left is to finally design the garage in Doherty, and he was feeling excited to see Lisa again after learning she would be here first thing in the morning. So CJ felt asleep feeling good about himself.

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