Chapter 102: Dam and Blast

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The next day, CJ was back in the planning room along with Woozie and Zero, as well as a huge crowd of people murmuring indistinctly. CJ looked around to see the frenzied group of people dispersing and crowding through the room. He just shook his head silently. He wanted to keep the room a secret to make the planning of the heist clandestine, but found it near impossible with so many people garnered around.

"It seems impossible to keep a secret around here," CJ muttered silently. "I would have thought the size of the room would keep the numbers down."

"Hey, speak up!" a fat Caucasian guy wearing a blue shirt and khaki shorts called from the back. "We can't hear you back here!"

"I appreciate your input," CJ called back, "but please, fuck off!"

"What did he say?" the Caucasian man asked the other guy wearing a white-and-gray plaid shirt and khaki pants.

"He said fuck off," the latter answered. "C'mon, let's get out of here."

The two men walked away nonchalantly, and a man wearing brown janitor clothes started to walk in. He must have been the custodian.

"Hey, what are you still doing here?" CJ asked the custodian.

"I live here," the custodian answered.

"Oh," CJ said. "OK. You can stay."

"Great," the custodian said as he walked inside the room.

"Hey, where's the coffee and doughnuts?" Guppy asked.

CJ was now feeling exasperated. It was one of the reasons why he didn't wanted anyone else to know about the secret plan for the impending heist. But he kept his composure and took a deep breath, hoping that the crew would stay stable and calm.

"OK, look," he said as he began to exit the room. "I'm going to go shut off the city's power source. Woozie, look after these fools for me."

As CJ left the room, Woozie hopped out of his chair and walked in front of the crowd.

"," Woozie began to tell the others, "the important thing to remember with a plan like this is that...nothing can go wrong."

Meanwhile, CJ hopped into his parked vehicle and started the engine. He knew that he would be risking his life as he was about to break inside the Sherman Dam to shut off the city's power source. But this heist was far too much of an opportunity to pass up, and he still needed the bail money to bail his brother out of prison, which required just one more empire in Las Venturas.

CJ's plan was to go to the airport and take an airplane to fly above the Sherman Dam and skydive onto it for a chance to sneak inside to shut off the hydroelectric power inside. So he drove to the airport and got past the gates to the airstrip.

"Pilots sure are looking younger these days," the guard said.

As CJ drove through the airstrip, he saw that there was an airplane sitting on the runway. So CJ hopped out of his vehicle, ran into the airplane, and hopped inside. After starting the engine, he straightened the plane on the runway and accelerated, gradually lifting it in the air as he took off in the sky.

While flying through the evanescent clouds up above, CJ looked at the view outside. The sunlight shone around the bright, blue sky. The mountains down below gradually began to appear through the clouds. CJ saw that the Sherman Dam was just ahead. So as he flew a little higher, he finally made it above the Sherman Dam, grabbed a parachute sitting on his right side, and strapped it onto his shoulders.

He quickly hopped out of the plane and dove straight to the Sherman Dam below. He watched as the plane he was in crashed down the mountain below. As CJ finally reached 100 feet below the dam, he quickly activated the parachute and floated towards the walkway to the inside of the facilities. He landed smoothly and saw that a couple of guards were prancing around. CJ knew he couldn't get inside with the guards spotting him.

So he grabbed a knife he saw on the ground and crept behind a freight container up ahead. He then quietly snuck behind the guard and stealthily stabbed him on the shoulder. As he snuck up behind another freight container, he did the same move on the other guard and snuck inside the dam quay.

As he made it inside, he looked to spot the guards walking around. His plan to shut off the power was to plant remote explosives on the main generators. So CJ crept onto the top walkway and made his way to the generator to his right. He planted the explosive onto the generator.

He knew that if any of the guards caught him, they'd lock him inside until the cops show up to bring him down. So he had to keep silent and clandestine. He stealthily crept behind one of the guards and silently stabbed him. He walked over to another one of the generators and planted explosives on that as well. The guards remained oblivious to CJ's presence and the latter succeeded in staying inconspicuous of their view as he planted the explosives on the remaining generators.

Now CJ had to somehow escape before any of the guards spotted him. So he crept behind the walls and shimmied through the walkway down the stairs, reminding himself to not get the guards' attention.

When he slowly made it out the exit, he spotted a boat up ahead. There were no guards outside. So this gave CJ an opportunity to run over to the boat and drive it away. He looked back to make sure no one was following and quickly sped away.

CJ had successfully shut off the hydroelectric power source inside the Sherman Dam. So his imminent heist would be a success. But first, he still had a few more plans to prepare. So he rode the boat through the Pacific Ocean and made his way back to Las Venturas. He had just two more tricks up his sleeve before the heist was fully implemented.

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