Chapter 123: Brutal Vigilante

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Later on, the Grove Street Families were all rounded up: CJ, Ryder, Big Bear, every member in the kitchen listening to Sweet's order. The latter had finally had enough, and it was time to show everyone that Grove Street was back on top for good. So CJ joined Sweet and the other Grove Street Families inside the kitchen.

"Alright, I want everyone to listen up!" Sweet announced. "Now that we got every last member of the Grove, it's time that we take back what belonged to us in the first place! Our city's in a riot now, and the Ballas and Vagos are still not quittin' without a fight! So a fight they want, a fight they'll get!"

The other Grove Street Families members cheered in agreement.

"But unfortunately, police brutality has been one of our main sources of Grove's downfall, and thanks to this riot, C.R.A.S.H. is free to beat up on our men," Sweet announced. "Just look at what they did to Russell Chief last year. If we let them beat on our guys, then there goes our height of power. The Ballas and Vagos will continue dominating the streets, and more crack will permeate the hood before the riot even has a chance to end! So we gotta eliminate the assholes beating on our guys!"

"Hold on, bro," CJ said, hopping out of his seat. "I get that you want to keep C.R.A.S.H. from beating on our guys, but if we kill them directly, a full army of them is gonna try to jump us. We'll be outnumbered!"

"Damn," Sweet grunted. "You're right, CJ! We gotta think of a way to kill them pigs without having them gang up on us. Anybody got any suggestions?"

"I got it!" Ryder shouted. He reached over to the table to pull out a sniper rifle. "We take them out ninja style! They'll get caught slippin' by surprise!"

"Great idea, Ryder!" Sweet said. "You finally learning how to use your head for once, nigga!"

"I told you, Sweet," Ryder replied. "I'm a motherfucking genius!"

"You sure are, Ryder," Sweet said jokingly. "Anyways, let's split up!

Everybody then walked outside and found a truck full of crates outside.

"Ah shit!" Ryder said as everyone walked towards the van. "Didn't I tell ya my homie LB got us covered?!"

"Real dependable!" CJ added. "Ain't that what you said, Ryder?!"

The members of the Grove Street Families ran to the van and took some crates out of the back. They opened them and pulled out their preferred weapons, including the sniper rifles.

"Yeah!" Sweet cheered, pulling out a sniper rifle from one of the crates. "Now them crackheads raging against street homies are gonna feel the silent wrath!"

Big Bear stepped right besides Sweet. "F'sho, Dog!" he added. "C.R.A.S.H. ain't gonna beat up on our homies!"

"Okay, we gonna scan the rooftops and highways over at East Los Santos," Sweet told CJ and Ryder. "We gonna take on as many of them C.R.A.S.H. pigs as we can! We can't let them beat on our members!"

So CJ, Sweet, Big Bear, and Ryder all hopped into Sweet's Greenwood, and CJ drove through the riotous city.

"Shit's really fucked up out here!" CJ said as he drove through the streets, barely missing the pedestrians around the street.

"You ain't been here last year, fool!" Ryder told him. "C.R.A.S.H. been invoking that shit during the time, especially since Russell Chief got his ass kicked by them on the highway that same year!"

"Yeah," Sweet added. "Tenpenny and his goons been harassing us and beating on our homies last year. Some of us were even arrested and incarcerated even when we was just minding our own business."

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora