Chapter 49: Supply Lines....

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As CJ went back into his apartment, he thought for a moment. He couldn't get Big Smoke out of his mind. It was stuck to him like glue. He really wanted to talk to his former friend to ask why he would turn his back on the family just to make money, but he knew better than to go against C.R.A.S.H.'s blackmail and have his brother risking a "friendly discussion" with any of his inmates.

Just then, CJ's cellphone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Yeah," he answered.

"Yo, CJ, what's up, homie?!" It was Ryder.

"Ay, Ryder," CJ replied. "What's up with you?"

"Smoke's yay," Ryder answered. "That's what's up, homie. The cash was leaving for Los Santos and I capped Smoke's lieutenants straight up!"

"Cool, homie!" CJ said. "Looks like I don't need to waste time traveling the country again and again."

"Jeah," Ryder replied. "What you up to?"

"Nothin' much," CJ replied. "I was just doing a little business with Zero over at his shop."

"Ah, making some green on your own, huh?" Ryder said. "Well, you do you and I'ma just do my own business. Later homie."

CJ then hung up and put his phone aside. After a few hours had passed by, CJ decided to go to the gym and learn some more techniques from the master.

"So, back again, young one?" the instructor asked CJ, who had just arrived at the gym.

"Yeah," CJ told him. "Why don't you show me them mumbo jumbo kung fu shit?!"

"Very well," the instructor answered.

So CJ continued to learn what the instructor was teaching him. He practiced on the kicks, the running attacks, defense, and even some flips

After a full hour on sparring, CJ was exhausted and decided to leave the gym.

"Come again, young warrior," the instructor called out. "You did very well today."

"Damn," CJ uttered, wheezing. "How the hell does Ryder learn so quickly through watching those kung fu movies yet I can't learn just as quickly through a real instructor?"

He slowly walked outside on his way to Zero's shop, still trying to catch his breath. His heart beat rapidly and felt as if someone was continuously pounded a hammer to his rib cage. His face and clothes were drenched with sweat. His mouth felt dry enough to be unable to talk in coherent words.

By the time he finally got to Zero's shop, CJ stopped to catch his breath and finally let out a soothing sigh. He had finally stopped wheezing and felt much better. He took a glimpse at himself through the shop window and saw a sweaty, brown face staring back at him. He could tell he really trained his hardest in the gym.

"I guess walking really does help out anyone who's been to the gym," he muttered under his breath.

He walked inside the shop on a search for Zero.

"Hey, Zee, where you at?!" CJ called.

"Go away, Carl!" Zero called from the backroom. "I'm very, very, busy back here. Top secret stuff. Not for your eyes. Too sensitive..."

"Come on, homie, where are you?!" CJ called back as he entered the backroom.

"I said go away, Carl!" CJ heard Zero say from inside of the closet. "I don't need any friends today, thank you."

CJ then opened the closet to find Zero hanging from the hook by his underwear. He had been given a wedgie on the hook. CJ took a quick glance at Zero and laughed.

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