Chapter 46: Wear Flowers in Your Hair

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CJ took an exhaustive look around the garage and was feeling upset. The stones of the walls were faded with some prominent holes around them. The front windows were broken on the outside. The paint job was evanescent and slowly dissipating. There were boxes, tires, and other generic material lying around. It also included a small office partition to the left. The whole garage was austere. It wasn't anything as CJ expected.

"Motherfucker!" CJ finally exploded. "That mute asshole! That fucking snake without a tongue... gave me this shithole instead of a real pink slip?! I must be the biggest fucking idiot in the whole fucking world!"

"Holmes - take it easy," Cesar told him, trying to sound more conciliatory. "At least we're alive."

"Carl, friend, fellow traveler, relax, man," Truth told him as well. "You're really killing my fucking vibe here!"

"Well I'm sorry if I'm fucking up your vibe, old man," CJ apologized, then turned to Cesar, "but I can't wait to get my hands on that mute and your bitch ass cousin!"

"My cousin?!" Cesar cried out, looking shocked. "You gonna diss my familia?!"

Cesar just walked away, still stunned at what CJ just said. CJ then started to show remorse to what he had just said. Sure he disliked Catalina with every fiber of his bone, and he really wanted to retaliate somehow. But the last thing he wanted to do was get on Cesar's bad side. So CJ decided to apologize to his friend.

"My bad, man," CJ told Cesar. "I'm just pissed for all of us!"

He turned to Kendl, who was giving him the "I'm very upset with you" look, which forced himself to explain himself.

"I mean... look," he started to explain, "we in a strange place, we got shit to our name... and for once I try to make something work, this garage... and it ain't even a garage!"

"Then make it into a garage!" Kendl finally answered.

CJ then stared at Kendl sideways for a second. Then he got into her face.

"Oohhhhhh... That's a great idea, sis," CJ stated mockingly. "Why don't you shut up?!"

He stormed away in a fit of pique.

"You know what, Carl?" Kendl told him, following him. "You are a fucking idiot! You whole life, you wanted something for nothing. Now you got something, and you don't know what to do with it! Well, make it good enough! We'll help, right?"

"We got your back, CJ," Cesar answered calmly.

"C'mon, stop tripping, man," Kendl answered. "Both of you."

"Wooooooaahhh, man!" Truth said, chuckling all of a sudden. "The energy here - it's fantastic!" Then he started humming strangely. CJ just stared back at the eccentric old man wearing a perplexing look on his face.

"Yyyyeah, alright," CJ said. "But how am I gonna to find some good mechanics to work up in here, man?"

"I know a few guys," Truth answered, hopping onto his feet. "Come with me, friend. They're good people, I swear it."

"Aww, man," CJ groaned as he walked alongside Truth. "I'm about to ride with this fool again?"

"C'mon, man," Truth declared as he and CJ hopped inside a red Emperor. "There's these two guys I know, used to work on Marine Engines, 'til the mob bought their business over at vice. Now they try to make end's meet by taking any old job. They're a little bit dull by their habit, but the smoke don't get in the way of their skills with an engine. We'll pick up Jethro first. Last I'd heard, he was working at the garage over at East Basin."

CJ drove on the road and made a left turn.

"Hey, man, how'd you meet these dudes anyway?" CJ asked Truth.

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