Chapter 119: Los Desperados

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CJ woke up the next morning to turn on the radio to Radio Los Santos. Dr. Dre's "Nuthin' But a 'G' Thang" was playing on the radio, and after the song ended just one minute later, Julio G, the DJ, made an announcement of the riot in Los Santos, telling everyone out there to chill out.

Finally, a DJ with a fucking brain, CJ thought.

He could still hear the noises from the other pedestrians screaming outside ringing in his ears. He was no stranger to causing mayhem himself since he had taken out many gangs in the past. But his whole city was under attack, and it was only a matter of time until it would all collapse into a huge destruction.

So CJ pulled out his preferred clothing out of the drawers and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. He bathed inside there for five minutes and stepped out to dry himself up. Afterwards, he got dressed into his clothing, headed downstairs, out the front door, and straight towards Sweet's house.

CJ walked into the house and through the hallways. He finally came across Sweet, who was in the kitchen talking to someone over the phone to keep the cul-de-sac of Grove Street secured and inhibited by any minor that would come and either destroy or rob any of the houses around it.

"Yeah, so get the place locked down," Sweet told the person over the phone. "No one's gonna ruin the hood. You hear me? No one! Alright, see you."

Sweet hung up the phone and looked front right on time to see CJ walking into the kitchen

"Whattup?" CJ greeted, giving Sweet a handshake.

"We almost got the hood under control, man. CJ," Sweet told him. "This is some serious shit, man."

"Hey, man, I know, man," CJ agreed. "I went through a lot of shit for this family since you been gone, so I know-"

"What?!" Sweet interrupted. "For yourself. Not for the family. Don't get shit confused, nigga."

CJ was finally getting tired of Sweet's snide remarks. "Man, when you gonna give me a break?" he asked, trying to keep his composure.

"When you stop acting like you the man!" Sweet hissed at him. "You keep yapping on what you done did, let me tell you what I done did. When Kendl needed shoes, I went out and got the money. When Moms needed an operation, I robbed people for the bread. While you were off in Liberty City thinking about your own shit. For five years, come on man. Now you do something, you want a fucking parade? Nigga, please."

Enough was finally enough for CJ! He had finally tolerated his brother's tirades for so long, and he was getting tired of being treated like this just because Sweet was older and the leader. So he needed to give Sweet a reality check.

"I'm telling you what I done did?!" CJ snapped. "I haven't even BEGUN to tell you what I did ever since my exile from Los Santos! Now I will admit, I did let my little brother die! I wasn't there when my family needed me the most! I did fuck up, and I concede that, and you have every right to call me out on that! But I came over here and did everything I could to get the families together! Then while I was in exile, I did everything I could to raise enough money to bail yo' stubborn ass out of prison! So if you want to know exactly what I did, I'll tell you my damn self WHAT I DID! I robbed banks and betting shops with Cesar's psychopathic cousin! I raced cars around the countryside and San Fierro! I built an empire for that RC Shop and Wang Cars in San Fierro - along with Kendl and everyone else! I got through a homeless asshole, vicious coyotes, the Flint County sheriff department, and so many other calamities to get the materials to fix the garage at Doherty! I had to learn how to fly! I got a business at a casino in Las Venturas! I even had to steal a fucking jetpack! All to bail yo' ass out of jail! And you stand here to tell me right to my face I'm doing this shit for myself?! Nigga, you crazy!"

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