Chapter 39: King in Exile

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When CJ finally arrived back to the trailer in Angel Pine, he exited the car and walked up to the trailer. Just then, he spotted Ryder talking to someone on the phone.

"From the betting shop," Ryder said over the phone. "Where else?"

A woman's voice was heard saying something to Ryder. CJ couldn't make out what the woman was saying due to her speaking distantly. But she sounded somewhat angry and irritated with Ryder over something.

"I told you," Ryder answered. "I'm through with the water for good! Believe me!"

The woman's voice sounding somewhat stern and skeptical to CJ.

"How the fuck I'm supposed to prove it to ya?" Ryder answered. "Can you see me through the phone?"

The woman said something else, still sounding stern.

"I told you, I ain't lying!" Ryder said, sounding annoyed. "I quit the water fo' good! Why don't you get off my back with that shit?!"

CJ heard the woman over the phone continuing incoherently.

"I am, girl! I am!" Ryder said, sounding more impatient than usual. "Now would you quit getting on my case with that shit?! I said I was off for good! What more do I have to prove?!"

CJ then heard the woman sounding as if she had calm down and somewhat still strict.

"Yo Ryder," CJ said to his best friend. "Who that?!"

"You don't need to worry about that!" Ryder said to the woman, ignoring CJ's question. "I know how to take care of myself! I'm a dangerous OG! Ain't nobody can stop me!"

The woman then said something else incoherently, sounding like she was worried.

"I will, girl!" Ryder replied. "I will! Don't worry about a thing!"

Ryder then hung up the phone and stored it in his pocket. He turned to CJ.

"That was Lisa," he answered. "She still don't believe I'm off that wet."

"That was Lisa?!" CJ replied. "How come you didn't let me talk to her?!"

"Nigga, what the fuck you need to talk to her for?" Ryder asked.

"I ain't seen her in five years, man," CJ said.

"So?" Ryder replied. "Her business is her business. You don't need to say jack shit to her! But I can tell you something else! Check it out!"

Ryder reached out of his pocket to pull out a bundle of cash. CJ was shocked.

"Holy shit!" CJ cried out. "Where'd you get all of this?!"

"From the betting shop, nigga," Ryder replied with a smirk. "I gambled $800 from those motherfuckers! Been taking they asses to the cleaners."

"Shit, Ryder!" CJ said, sounding very impressed. "Maybe you are a genius!"

"Jeah," Ryder replied. "I told you, my nigga. Here's $400. Spend this shit wisely, motherfucker!"

"Whatever, man," CJ said, accepting the money Ryder offered him. "Let's go inside. Cesar and Kendl are probably already in there waiting for us."

When CJ and Ryder entered the trailer, they found Cesar and Kendl making love to each other. When the couple noticed the two young gangsters walking in, they walked up to them.

"Hey, Carl," Kendl greeted as she gave her brother a hug.

"How you doing, sis?" CJ greeted back.

"What's up, CJ?" Cesar greeted, giving CJ a knuckle touch.

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