Chapter 40: First Base... Local Liquor Store

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"Hey Catalina, baby!" CJ called as he entered the front porch. "It's me, Carl Johnson!"

He knocked on the door.

"Hey baby, I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot!" CJ continued. There was no answer.

"I've had a rough time, baby!" CJ shouted. "You know, maybe I was a little harsh! Please forgive me! C'mon, baby!"

Still no answer.

"Open up the door – shit," CJ muttered. He took a peep through one of the windows. "Is she here?" CJ asked himself, still peering through the glass window.

The glass was too hazy for CJ to even see anything inside.

"I don't see nothing," he grumbled. He knocked on the door once again.

"C'mon, baby, don't be mad, baby please!" he continued to beg.

But all he heard was silence. He stepped away from the porch and looked around the hideout. There were three tombstones on the left side of the cabin. CJ hoped he wouldn't be the fourth one added to them.

"Baby, without you, there is no Carl Johnson!" CJ continued.

At this point, CJ felt pathetic. He was begging for a woman he didn't even know to come out and was practically apologizing for nothing.

"Damn, man, shit," CJ pouted as he took another step in front of the hideout. "Now where is this stupid bitch?"

Before he could react, he felt someone's foot shove him to the ground and violently pull him by the collar, as well as a gun cocking.

"Here, cabron!" he heard Catalina say. He looked up just in time to watch the crazy Latina woman holding him at gun point. The barrel of the pistol was pointed right at his right temple, and CJ just knew he was caught by surprise. "Who's the bitch now, eh?" Catalina asked smugly.

"Shit!" CJ muttered under his breath. While he knew it wasn't a smart idea to act out in defense, he didn't wanted to come off as a wuss pleading for mercy.

Man, if Ryder was here to see this, he'd probably never let me hear the end of it, he thought. He could already hear Ryder's voice taunting him for this.

"I thought you was an OG, homie! Yet you let this bitch make you her bitch?! Youse a busta, CJ! Straight busta!"

"Look, calm down, okay," CJ told Catalina calmly, trying to keep his composure. "I'm just here to work with you. I'm sorry if I left you."

"What was that?" the psychopathic Latina asked.

"I said I'm sorry if I left you behind," CJ told her. "I just had a lot of shit on my mind, is all. Don't start going crazy now." Then he started to lose his composure. "Just don't fucking shoot me! Please!" he cried out sharply.

CJ couldn't believe it. A young gangbanger, who has been fearless and brave enough to battle his way through many rival gangs while trying to protect the ones he loved, was now down on his knees and was slowly starting to show a hint of fear while a psychopath was holding him at gun point. The fact that he kept on repeating the word "baby" in almost every sentence he was talking in certainly wasn't helping his case. It was the most embarrassing moment for CJ. He knew he had to keep his composure.

Enough was enough for CJ. It was time for him to stay calm about this and suck it up. He was a gangster, and begging for his life like a coward would get him nowhere. So CJ took a deep breath and kept his cool.

"You think you sorry, huh?!" Catalina replied, still sounding skeptical. "How you going to prove you're sorry?"

"C'mon now, baby, c'mon," CJ told her calmly. He tried to sweet talk the woman to make himself seem more confident. "I am going to play with you SO rough, baby."

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