Chapter 128: Crack Attack

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Six days has passed, and the riot still continued to go on. CJ had Lisa spend the night at the Johnson house and got to sleep in the same bed as her. Despite everything that he went through, CJ was still feeling rather confident. C.R.A.S.H. has now gotten weaker, which meant the Ballas and Vagos were getting obliterated and Grove Street was coming back on top. All CJ was focused on now was finding Big Smoke and confronting Tenpenny. He was just about to prepare himself when he heard his cellphone ring. CJ pulled the phone out of his pocket to answer.

"Aye," he answered.

"Yo what's up, CJ?" he heard Ryder say over the phone.

"What's happenin', Ryder?" CJ greeted back. "Good to hear from you. How you doing?"

"I'll be alright," Ryder answered. "The doctor surgically removed the bullet out of my shoulder and says I'll be fine. I did, of course, have to get stitches to close that wound up, and I gotta get some rest for a few hours before I'm back outside ready to blast on them Ballas punks and Vago pussies. No motherfucking bullet gonna bring me down."

"That's cool, man," CJ replied. "You still ice cold, homie – which is why I got so much love for you. Where you at now?"

"I'm over at LB's," Ryder said. "He picked me up just this morning. But like I said, I'll be fine and ready to go back out to join y'all to take out them Ballas and Vagos and catch Big Smoke's fatass."

"Okay, man," CJ said. "Just get some rest, homie. I'll go see where Smoke's hiding in and we gonna finally catch Tenpenny so we can end this riot once and for all."

CJ then hung up the phone and decided to go next door to the house on his right. Big Bear was now living there now that he was an active member of the Grove Street Families again. He knocked on the door as he approached it and waited for a few seconds for Big Bear to answer.

Big Bear then came at the door. "Yo what's crackin', CJ," Big Bear said, giving CJ a high five.

"I'm straight, Bear," CJ replied, walking into Big Bear's house. "What's up with you?"

"Glad to be back, homie," Big Bear told him. "It feels good to be back on Grove Street and taking out them Ballas and Vagos again. I tell you, CJ. This city's falling apart, homie."

"I know, Bear," CJ said. "But everything's going well. We may still be in a riot, and Ryder's still recovering from his gunshot wound. But Grove is finally climbing on top, we free to take out the Ballas and Vagos now that C.R.A.S.H. isn't harassing us anymore, Seville Boulevard and Temple Drive are now cool with each other and backing us up, and Emmet's got us some much stronger weapons now that his shop is back. All we gotta do is find Big Smoke and we good."

"I know, man," Big Bear replied. "You know B-Dup's been working for Smoke this whole time too, right?"

"I know that," CJ told him. "I figured that out when I found out he was into selling drugs rather than helping the homies. That time he set me up when he sent the Ballas after me in Willowfield was what really hit the shit for me. That's when I knew he was working for the Ballas, and it was only when I found out Smoke sold us out that I discovered that B-Dup was one of his allies."

"So what do you suggest we do, CJ?" Big Bear asked him.

"Well first of all," CJ started to explain, "we gonna take down most of the baseheads around the hood that's supplying Smoke with that crack and then get them to spill the beans to where that crack is being supplied to. That would get us closer to Smoke."

"Great plan, CJ," Big Bear answered. "I can take down them base slingers and destroy the supplies. Your brother really did teach you well, homie."

"Hey," CJ replied unassumingly. "Sweet's the leader of Grove Street for a reason. He's the one who taught me everything I need to know."

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