Chapter 43: Wu Zi Mi

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CJ hopped off the bike and pressed against the trailer wall as if he was trying to push it. He could not believe what he had gotten himself into. It was only still the afternoon and already, Catalina had given him a really rough time. She has held him by gunpoint, made him comply to her every demands as if he was a dog, gotten tortured by her, and had to deal with her mood swings constantly. He has dealt with females in the past, considering he had his mother and Kendl, as well as growing up around Lisa, but Catalina was a lot more than he could handle. CJ has never lost any patience and resistance with anyone like Catalina. CJ could not believe Cesar could be related to her. He wondered how Cesar even put up with her psycho ways.

"Hey, CJ!" he heard a voice from behind, as well as a car's engine running. CJ didn't turn around though. He knew who it was by listening to the voice. It was Ryder.

CJ was so upset that he didn't even bother to turn around. Ryder walked up to CJ. "I just got yo' messages and you said you be here!" Ryder told him.

Before he could say another word, CJ turned around suddenly sullen, violently grabbed Ryder by the collar and shoved him against his car.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, nigga?!" CJ growled at Ryder pinning him against the vehicle. "I've been trying to call yo' ass all day!"

Ryder shoved CJ off him so hard that CJ fell to the ground. "Nigga, you better back off me!" Ryder snapped. "The fuck is wrong with you putting yo' hands on me? You want me to lock you in another headlock, motherfucker?!"

"Where you been, man?!" CJ asked, trying to change the subject.

"I been working with LB back at San Fierro," Ryder answered. "He gave me a lucrative job at chasing Smoke's lieutenants riding across the county before they deliver them to that fat motherfucker."

"Ah," CJ complained. "So you were working with LB while I was busting my ass with Cesar's crazy ass cousin just to get some fucking money!"

"Whatchu talkin' about, nigga?" Ryder asked.

"Cesar hooked me up with his crazy ass cousin just the other day!" CJ answered. "Her name is Catalina, and she's a crazy bitch!"

"So you just gonna let that bitch make a bitch out of you?" Ryder asked. "Man, I thought you were tougher than that, CJ!"

"You don't understand, Ryder!" CJ told him. "Catalina is crazy! That bitch actually tried to torture me! She's also a cannibal! She actually threatened to make me one of the men in her barbecue!"

"Whatever, man," Ryder said, feeling too uninterested to listen to CJ's story. "I don't need to hear about some bitch I ain't heard of! Just get in the car, nigga!"

So CJ followed Ryder to the car and the two hopped in. Just then, CJ's phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and answered it.

"Hello," CJ answered.

"Hey, holmes," he heard Cesar answer over the phone. CJ couldn't be any more relieved to hear Cesar's voice again. "I'm busy."

"Cesar!" CJ replied. "Whasup?!"

"I can smell nitrous oxide from a mile off," Cesar said. "Racing, my friend! Not beautiful cars, but fast, man, fast!"

"What are you talking about?" CJ asked.

"Street racers, from San Fierro," Cesar answered. "They meet out here to tear up the black top! No chota, no chota choppers. You wanna make some money?"

"Does the pope shit in the woods?" CJ asked facetiously.

"Why you keep asking me that, holmes?" Cesar asked. "I told you. I don't know. Where his holiness does his business, is his business. Just get a fast car and meet me just south of Montgomery. See you, man." CJ hung up the phone and stored in in his pocket.

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