Chapter 108: Misappropriation

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The hours had elapsed, and the sun was slowly beginning to set. CJ had spent most of his free time attending different casinos and dance clubs. He also spent most of the time at the gym, where he also learned some wrestling moves. It was getting rather tough for him, but he started getting the hang of it and gradually became more competent the more he learned. He became sore after that, but it was all worth it.

He was now in the neighborhood of Prickle Pine when he had erroneously ran into Officer Tenpenny and Pulaski, who were setting up a grill in the front lawn of one of the houses.

"Hello, Carl," Tenpenny said as CJ approached them. "Been a long time, huh?"

"Yeah, I was starting to miss you guys," CJ admitted, sounding slightly cheerful.

"Now why don't I believe you?" Tenpenny asked, suddenly sounding stern. "Get over here!"

As Tenpenny took a seat into the lawn chair, CJ complied to his demand and approached the corrupt officer. "Now things have developed since the last time we met," Tenpenny told CJ. "Despite our best efforts, the gig's nearly up."

"I'm sure you'll find some way to keep your badge," CJ told him, completely missing the point. "Your kind always do."

"You still don't get it, do you, Carl?" Tenpenny replied sternly. "This ain't about keeping some fucking badge!"

"Hey, listen to the man," Pulaski told CJ as he began working on the grill.

Tenpenny hopped out of his chair. "We're all the same, Carl - you, me," Tenpenny told CJ as the latter slowly got out of his seat as well. "We're all trying to pull ourselves out of the hole. Somebody steps on me, I gotta step on you."

"Where's Hernandez with that fucking meat?!" Pulaski shouted at Tenpenny. "He's been gone too long, Tenpenny!"

"Getting a little edgy, fellas?" CJ said facetiously.

Enraged with the intervention, Tenpenny abruptly punched CJ hard in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground to his knees, wheezing slightly after getting the wind knocked out of him.

"How d'you like that, you piece of shit?" Tenpenny growled at CJ. "That give you any idea how edgy I am?"

Just then, the barbecue's flames of the grill blasted out as Pulaski poured the gas into it. "Woah!" Pulaski cried out moving out of the way rapidly. "What the fuck?"

Tenpenny then turned to Carl. "Get up, bitch!" he demanded.

CJ slowly recovered from his blow and started coughing to catch his breath as he slowly picked himself up onto his feet.

"You paying attention?" Tenpenny asked him.

CJ just nodded. "Now," Tenpenny started to explain, "there's a ruined town out west of here, Aldea Malvada. And there's some piece of shit DEA officer meeting with an FBI agent with a dossier. Now you get the dossier and you make both of them disappear."

CJ didn't say a word. Tenpenny was no longer playing any games, and only Lord would know what he'd do next. So CJ complied to the corrupt cop's orders and walked away to his vehicle.

CJ hopped inside, started the engine, and drove away. He hopped onto the freeway and drove straight to the desert. It was about a twenty minute drive, and it got darker and darker as CJ finally made it to the desert. He drove through the street to find the place Tenpenny told him about.

After a long drive, he finally made a left turn up a mountain in Tierra Robada. He drove through the mountain and finally came to a small town where everyone was having a meeting. It was Aldea Malvada alright. But CJ had to be more surreptitious about this.

So he ducked behind some hedges around the ground and pulled out a sniper rifle. He used it to aim for the dossier carrier. When he finally spotted a Caucasian man wearing a gray suit, he saw what appeared to be a dossier in his hand.

That must be the same guy Tenpenny told me about, CJ thought.

So CJ zoomed the view of his sniper rifle in, aimed at the dossier carrier, and pulled the trigger, killing the carrier with one shot. This caused the other people to disperse around the small town, and CJ made his way to the town himself. The others noticed CJ and attempted to take him down, only for CJ to take each and everyone out.

After taking out the last person standing, CJ continued to walk over to the town and grabbed the dossier. He then made his way back to the vehicle when just then, CJ heard his cellphone ring. He pulled it out to answer it.

"Carl," Tenpenny said through the phone. "You get that dossier?"

"Yeah, I got the files," CJ replied. "What you want me to do with them?"

"We need to meet up somewhere quiet and take care of things," Tenpenny answered. "There's a ghost town, Las Brujas, in the devil's castle, you know it?"

"Yeah," CJ replied. "I'll find it."

"I know you will," Tenpenny answered. "I'll see you there, Carl."

As Tenpenny hung up, CJ hopped back inside his vehicle and heard his cellphone ring again. He pulled it out to answer it.

"'Sup?" CJ answered.

"Carl, it's Officer Hernandez," he heard Hernandez say through the phone.

"Ah great," CJ groaned. "What the hell do you want?"

"I want to help you out," Hernandez replied. "You see, the guy that Tenpenny sent you to kill was trying to expose him for his criminal activities."

"Criminal activities?" CJ asked.

"Listen to me, CJ," Hernandez began to explain, "I've been working for Tenpenny and Pulaski for a month and I've gotten enough information on them to know that they're not what they seem. They're really criminals who want to destroy the city of Los Santos by manipulating gang violence. They don't want to stop any of that shit!"

"Oh yeah?" CJ replied skeptically. "How I know this ain't a trick?"

"Carl," Hernandez told him. "Think about how those two tried to frame you for Pendelbury's murder, think about the times they sent you to do their dirty work. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret here - that guy they sent you to kill, he was the man trying to expose those two cops for the criminals they are. They sent you to kill the guy so no one would garner the evidence of their true colors."

"Ah shit," CJ muttered.

"No need to worry about that, CJ," Hernandez told him. "Fortunately, I got enough evidence to send to the feds. But I want to play it cool this time. I'm gonna pretend I'm still on their side, and when the time is right, that's when I'll strike and expose those assholes."

"Okay," CJ replied. "Great to hear. I guess I misjudged you, Hernandez. My bad."

"It's all good, Carl," Hernandez replied. "So I'm gonna meet the two cops and play along in their game for one last time."

"Fo'show, man," Carl said. "I'll be over at Las Brujas waiting for y'all."

So CJ hung up the phone and stored it in his pocket. He started the engine of his vehicle and drove away.

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