Chapter 95: Fender Ketchup

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It was a twenty-five minute drive for him. He passed a sign leading to Las Venturas and knew he was getting closer. By the time CJ finally exited the freeway, he was there. He looked around the city to see all the bright lights around the streets. The palm trees stood on the center in long, vertical rows. There were bright, neon billboards posted in certain buildings, as well as bright, neon lights around the casino buildings. It was a great pleasure to be back in the city after spending a full month in the desert. CJ couldn't wait to make progress in Venturas.

As CJ drove straight down The Strip to find the casino Woozie mentioned to him earlier this morning, he had finally pulled over in front of a large building with a familiar dragon design. He had made it! It was the Four Dragons Casino. That means that Woozie was there. So CJ hopped out of his vehicle and entered the building.

As he walked inside, he looked around. There were a plethora of slot machines, and many patrons were playing card games. There was "Real Love" by Mary J. Blige playing in the background. Everyone was having a great time tonight. CJ looked around the casino in search for Woozie. He finally came across a room on the left side of the building, where he saw the Triads and Woozie inside. Woozie was speaking on the phone. He appeared to be talking to a dealer about business.

"Idiot!" Woozie growled over the phone. "Do you realize how much those machines cost? We're supposed to be opening in..." Just then, he heard a loud sound of a piece of wood ripping off the floor.

"What the fuck was that?!" Woozie asked vociferously, looking around the room. He got back to the phone call and realized the dealer had hang up. "Hello?" he answered. "HELLO?" He then hung up furiously and turned to the other workers in disgust. "What the fuck is wrong with you people?" he scolded them.

"Boss," Guppy told him. "CJ's here."

Woozie then turned to see CJ walk in.

"Carl," Woozie sighed in relief, giving CJ a handshake. "Glad you could make it."

"So this is what you've been doing," CJ said, looking around.

"Yeah," Woozie replied. "It's been a complete nightmare. You want a stomach ulcer, try opening a Triad casino in a Mafia-run town!"

"The Mob trying to squeeze you?" CJ asked.

"Yeah," Woozie replied. "The corporations are moving in and everybody's feeling the squeeze. I've got slot machines busted up, workmen being scared off..."

"So who's behind this?" CJ asked.

"Well," Woozie explained, "there are these three mob families operating here, and each of them has a stake in Caligula's Casino, and some whacked-out lawyer's running it for them. It could be any one of them, or all of 'em."

"Can't you just give them a little something?" CJ asked.

"No," Woozie told him. "In addition to the usual authorities that need bribing, each one would want a slice, and I'm not about to hand over all of our profits to some wiseguy Italians!"

"Our profit?" CJ asked.

"That's right, you heard me," Woozie responded as he poured a drink in two cups and handed one of them to CJ. "I want to offer you a share in our casino in exchange for some help setting it up. How does that sound, partner?"

"Sounds like we got a deal then!" CJ agreed as he and Woozie had cheers.

Just then, one of the Triads arrived, panting hard. "Boss!" he said, trying to catch his breath. "The boys found some thugs trying to smash one of the deliveries. We caught one of them!"

"Get rid of him," Woozie ordered calmly. The Triad was about to dart to the exit until CJ stopped him.

"Hey, wait!" CJ told him. "Hold up, hold up, come here. Whoever's behind this, we need to let them know that they're dealing with fully-fledged psychos. Tie him to the front of the car, let him sweat it out a little, and I'll be out there in a little while."

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