Chapter 122: Ghost Ryder

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The riot continued the following night. CJ had gotten Seville Boulevard and Temple Drive back together, with the help of LB, and he spent most of the day helping the Grove Street Families take over several territories of the Ballas around the city. The riot was getting even worse, as even the trains on the tracks were either being derailed as it accelerated or catching fire right before blowing up as well. There were even drivers that were running over a number of pedestrians.

The rain had suddenly poured by 7:56 PM, and the worse the riot got, the bigger the storm became. The pedestrians continued fighting and robbing from stores, and the vehicles and buildings were getting demolished.

CJ was now riding his bicycle on the street wearing a heavy green hoodie and baggy black pants, as well as black sneakers. He had been riding around through the hood and it wasn't long before CJ finally heard his cellphone ring. He pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Talk," CJ answered.

"Carl, it's Sweet," he heard Sweet answered. "Now I know that you got the Seville Boulevard Families and Temple Drive Families back together, and Big Bear is fresh out of rehab and popping heads again with the Grove, so there's no more drugs in our territory. But we're still not completed yet. We missing the final piece of the puzzle."

"Whatchu mean, Sweet?" CJ asked.

"We're missing our most important member of the family," Sweet told him.

CJ then knew exactly what he was talking about. "Oh shit!" he replied. "I almost forgot! I was so busy taking back the hood from them Balla Pushas I almost forgot about Ryder!"

"Yeah," Sweet said. "Just come over! I got a discussion about this!"

So CJ hung up his cellphone and stored it in his pocket. He then hopped back onto his bicycle and rode down the street through the riot. The fire continued to spread around the asphalt, and the vehicles were catching fire and exploding afterward. CJ continued riding his bicycle until he finally made it to Grove Street. He hopped off and ran to Sweet's house.

CJ stepped inside and heard Sweet talking in the living room indistinctly. The former walked through the hallways and stepped inside the kitchen, where he saw Sweet talking on the phone.

"Calm down, girl," Sweet said smoothly over the phone. "Calm down. I understand you're worried, but we gonna find him even if we had to tear the city to pieces to do it."

"Hey Sweet," CJ said. "Who you talking to?"

Sweet ignored CJ's question and continued listening to the woman on the phone. "Yeah, he just walked in," Sweet answered the woman on the phone. "I'll let you talk to him right now!"

Sweet then handed CJ the phone. "Here, Carl," he told CJ. "It's Lisa. She wants to talk to you."

CJ felt his heart thumping again as he grabbed the phone. "Hello?" he answered in a slightly trembling voice.

"Carl, it's me!" he heard Lisa say over the phone.

"Lisa," CJ answered. "How you doing, girl?"

"I'm safe," Lisa replied. "But unfortunately, I'm also stressing out again! This riot around the city had lasted for two days now, and Lance still hasn't turned up! I'm starting to get worried!"

"I know, Lisa," CJ told her. "I'm becoming worried about him right now too."

"Listen to me, Carl," Lisa said. "You already know that Lance and I don't get along at all, and after I moved out of the Grove, I stopped talking to him until last year, when I finally moved out of this city and decided to never contact anyone out here again, except Kendl. Lance can be a lot of things. He's annoying, he's pompous, he's arrogant, he's a dumbass, and, as you already know, an asshole. But for all his many, MANY, MANY faults, whatever our differences between me and him, he's still my brother, and I can't afford to lose him through this riot!"

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