Chapter 84: Pier Pressure

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As night fell, CJ looked around his apartment. Now that Lisa knew about his feelings for her, he was more than not relieved. It felt good to finally release his feelings for her. He was just about to contemplate what he would do for her when his cellphone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"Hey, Carl," he heard Lisa say over the phone.

"What's up, Lisa?" he replied. "How you doing?"

"Good," Lisa said. "I was just thinking, maybe you and I can go hang out at the Well Stacked Pizza place over at the pier. No need to wear anything nice or bring me flowers or none of that corny shit. Just dress casually and meet me at my place."

"Sure thing, Lees," CJ replied. "I'll be there."

So CJ hung up the phone and walked out of the door. He hopped inside the Washington parked outside, started the engine, and drove away. He took a glimpse at the pink around the nocturnal, purple sky. The colors were vivid and aesthetic. CJ was enjoying the scenery around the city, which was, as always, ignited with bright streetlights and car headlights. CJ drove Downtown and made his way to Lisa's house.

As he parked the car, he exited out and walked over to the door, knocking on it in the process.

"Come in!" he heard Lisa call from inside.

So CJ opened the door and walked down the hallway. He looked around to find Lisa.

"Yo Lisa!" CJ called. "Where you at?"

"In here!" Lisa called from upstairs.

As CJ made his way into the living room, he walked up the stairs and made his way down the hallway.

"Where you at, Lisa?!" he called once again.

"In here!" Lisa called from one of the rooms upstairs. CJ came to a bedroom, where Lisa was staring in her dresser mirror styling her hair. CJ was stunned when he saw her. He felt his heart pumping hard and rapidly.

"Whoa," CJ said silently. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks, Carl," Lisa said, her big brown eyes shining through the light inside the bedroom. "I wanted to dress casually for tonight. No point in trying to wear some prissy dress or any of that urbane bullshit. I'm also not down with any make-up."

"I'm with you on that." CJ agreed. "You already beautiful without the make-up anyway. So you ready?"

"Hell yeah," Lisa replied. "Let's go." She grabbed her black purse off the bed and strapped it over her left shoulder.

CJ and Lisa walked out of the bedroom, made their way downstairs, and headed out the front door. Then hopped inside CJ's vehicle and CJ started the engine.

"It sure is nice out here in San Fierro," Lisa said as CJ made his way onto the road.

"I know," CJ replied. "The weather out here is nice."

"Yeah," Lisa said. "I'm glad I decided to move out here. Now I don't need to stress out on my old job back in Pineland."

"So what was your job at Pineland anyway?" CJ asked her.

"I worked at a nail shop," Lisa answered. "I was enjoying my job at first, but then my boss kept making me work overtime, which put even more stress on me. I thought that since after I graduated from college, I would finally get a much more lucrative career. But alas, I stayed stuck in Los Santos and I was relegated to a hair salon shop. And right after I moved to Pineland last year, I get a job at a nail shop and still get stressed the fuck out."

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