Chapter 68: Monster

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The next morning, CJ woke up and couldn't be any more satisfied. He had wiped out three big gangs and no longer had to deal with drug dealers as long as he was in San Fierro. The best part, he had his sister and friends backing him up. It was only a matter of time before Sweet would finally get released from prison.

While feeling good about himself, CJ got dressed in some fresh, clean clothes and stepped outside. He took a deep breath. The morning was quiet and cool. The cars moved slowly and steadily around the street. The sunlight brightened the flamboyant blue and gray sky with vivid yellow colors. CJ knew today would be a good day. He no longer had to worry about any more gangs at the moment and he had a team to help him fix up the garage.

Just then, his cellphone rang. CJ pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Yes?" CJ answered.

"This is a friend of yours!" he heard a robotic-like voice say over the phone. "I've got some information relating to your brother! Come to the ranch and I'll explain! It's in Tierra Robada, cross the Garver Bridge, head South!"

"Who the fuck is this?" CJ asked. "I can't talk right now!" the robotic voice replied. "Get your ass over here!"

"Moms always told me not to talk to strangers," CJ responded.

"And look what happened to the bitch!" the robotic voice snapped. CJ was rather shock of the guy's comment. But he was much too confused to be angry at this point. "Now if you want your brother to sleep tonight with his tongue intact, get your ass over here! Goodbye!"

Without another word, he let out a big sigh, hopped onto a Sanchez parked out front, and rode through the streets. It was the perfect morning to go for a nice ride through the city. The streets were quiet. The air blowing through CJ's face as he rode was cool and smooth.

As soon as he rode across the Garver Bridge, he took an amazing glaze of the ocean up under, in which the shining sunlight glistened through the rippling waters as it shone in the beautiful pink and grayish blue sky.

CJ was having a very smooth ride. It was nice to return to the West Coast to experience the nice, cool weather after a five-year span in the East Coast. As soon as CJ exited the freeway, he finally approached Tierra Robada. He stopped by a cabin and hopped off the vehicle. CJ made his way to the cabin.

Right in front of the cabin was a monster truck and a couple of mechanics walking out.

"Carl, darling, welcome!" CJ heard the robotic voice greet through a loudspeaker.

"Some fucking welcome, man!" CJ replied. "What you know about my family?"

"Now first we need to see what you're made of," the robotic voice responded.

"What do I look like I'm made of?" CJ asked caustically. "Pudding?"

"No - anger, and hate," the robotic voice replied. "And that's what I like about you. There's a truck in the garage. What do you say we take it for a spin!"

Later, CJ met up with a big African American guy wearing a dark-blue-and-white sports coat over baggy dark-blue denim jeans by the garage with a monster truck inside.

"Here's the deal," the guy started, "this is all about speed and commitment. You got a GPS in the cab. Get to each set of map coordinates as quick as you can. Make it to all the coordinates then get the truck back here. Lose the truck and you fail."

"First, what's a GPS?" CJ started to ask. "Second, fail what? And third, who the fuck are you?"

"Sorry," the guy replied, "need-to-know basis only! Oh, one more thing, this baby's got four-wheel steering instead of a handbrake. Good luck!"

CJ just shook his head. He had no idea what in the world did driving a monster truck across the field had to do with trying to get his brother out of jail. But he didn't bother questioning it. He just took a deep breath and slowly climbed into the monster truck, starting the engine in the process. The song "Them Bones" by Alice in Chains started playing on the radio. CJ was so determined to beat the time he decided to put his antipathy for grunge music aside for now.

"This one's for you, Sweet," CJ muttered to himself.

So he took a deep breath and began driving. CJ drove around the bumpy land and across the road of the highway. He knew that he had to be very steady while driving since he never drove a monster truck before. He then approached a bumpy road and zoomed across the dirt road.

As soon as he got to the hill, CJ groaned loudly. He hated driving up steep slopes, especially since he was still trying to get used to driving to begin with. Had Ryder been there while he did this task, he'd probably chastise CJ before the latter would have a chance to even start the engine. But CJ didn't hesitate. He drove up the mountain and made his way on the top.

As he finally made it to the top, he took a nice view of the ocean in the canyon down below, as well as the dams surrounded by the body of water. CJ made a left turn and drove through a bridge above the river and through the rocky dirt roads, where he made a left turn uphill.

Damn! CJ thought. Talk about driving dirty!

CJ drove around the mountain and straight ahead of the bumpy terrain. He then made a right turn to make a circle . to where he first started when he rode uphill and straight ahead until he took a left turn to go downhill back onto the road, in which he made a left turn there.

Down there, he continued to drive straight and through a small village, where he made another left turn up another nearby hill. CJ was struggling to keep his balance as he drove, and he nearly lost control of the wheel.

Man, this vehicle ain't no joke! CJ thought.

He barely got the control back as he made it to the top of the hill and made a right turn. He followed a dirt road path that lead down the bottom of the other side of the hill, making a few hairpin turns here and there, and drove straight through the bumpy road, barely keeping control of the vehicle as he drove.

Excellent way to start the morning! CJ thought sarcastically.

He made a left turn and continued driving straight down through the bumpy road. He felt himself bouncing up and down as he drove, feeling like he was inside a bottle of soda someone kept shaking up and down. This was not an easy ride for him in the slightest. He felt his stomach jumping, almost making him feel sick and nauseous. But after a few more minutes driving through the bumpy road, CJ finally made it back to the ranch and parked the monster truck by the garage.

As CJ finally stepped out, he felt a little dizzy. His legs felt like guitar strings after someone strummed them with their fingers, and he had a hard time walking straight. His stomach ached due to bouncing up and down so much from driving on the bumpy road. CJ struggled to keep his balance as he slowly walked towards the African American guy. The latter checked his watch.

"Four minutes and thirty-nine seconds!" he announced. "OK, the boss was right about you! He'll be in touch."

As the guy walked inside the cabin, CJ took a rest on a nearby chair. He had a rather bumpy ride, both figuratively and literally, but it was worth it in the end.

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