Chapter 56: T-Bone Mendez

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As CJ finally made his way to Jizzy's club, he parked his car out front and hopped out. He headed for the entrance and walked inside, where he spotted Jizzy sitting on the bench having a discussion with the Mexican man nicknamed T-Bone.

"Now just listen to me, OK?" Jizzy was telling T-Bone. "Now it's very important that you listen to me. I ain't no retard, amigo. What you think? What, what, what you and Mike think - I'm just a pretty face to y'all? Is that y'all game?"

He turned to see CJ walking next to them.

"Now this here is the dumb muscle I'm talking about," Jizzy told T-Bone, gesturing at CJ. "Carl, T-Bone and in reverse."

"Wassup?" CJ greeted the Mexican.

"Horale, ese," T-Bone greeted back, barely looking over his shoulder at CJ, sounding unimpressed.

"Don't mind him," Jizzy told CJ, pointing at T-Bone. "We go way back."

"Hey, holmes, don't be such a pinche liability," T-Bone snapped at Jizzy.

"Liability?" Jizzy responded in a scoffing tone. "Liability for what? Now, there's three of us and I'm getting 20%. What type of math is that? That's fool's math, playa! You and Mike. I'd sell my soul to you guys, and that's what it's going to come down to, huh? Screwing me out of my 13%."

Jizzy confidently lay back on the couch feeling proud of his retort.

"You know the deal," T-Bone shot back. "You agreed. Besides, we could have said 5%, and what would you..?"

"And what what what!?" Jizzy interrupted, pulling his head forward to face T-Bone. "Cat got your tongue? You as bad at talking as you is at mathematics?"

As Jizzy once again lay back on the couch confidently, T-Bone got onto his feet and towered over Jizzy.

"Hey, you want to make this shit personal, ese?" T-Bone snapped, ready to take physical action on the smug pimp.

Just then, a cellphone rang. It was T-Bone's. So he pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Hello..." T-Bone answered. "Yeah... What? Man... Damn!"

T-Bone hung up the phone and slipped it inside his pocket.

"Hey man, I gotta bounce," T-Bone told Jizzy as he headed for the exit.

"Oh no you don't!" Jizzy shouted as he hopped off his seat. "I invented that trick, baby."

He turned to CJ.

"Carl, come with me," Jizzy told him. "We gonna have to bust us a couple of melons around here."

So CJ followed the two guys to the exit.

"What do you mean the shipments have been ambushed?" Jizzy asked T-Bone. "We just can't go out there T-Bone, it could be a DEA trap!"

Man, if working for these guys were this easy, then taking over this city should be a slice of pizza! CJ thought to himself.

As Jizzy and T-Bone hopped inside Jizzy's pimp mobile and drove off, CJ saw a motorcycle parked outside and decide to take it for a ride. As he drove off through the road, he rode through North Esplanade road and through Juniper Hollow.

I'm on a serious mission now, CJ thought as he made his way through Colton Heights and through Downtown.

As CJ finally made it to Easter Basin, he spotted four guys on bikes collecting the packages from a truck. As they rode away, CJ dashed after them.

Through the tunnel. He caught up with one of the bikers and reached for the package. He barely grabbed it from behind the bike and swiped it from the vehicle.

One package down, three more to go, CJ thought, and he quickly dashed away before the biker had a chance to turn around to notice the missing package behind him.

As CJ continue riding through the town, he spotted another biker driving through Garcia street. So with a few seconds of driving around, CJ finally caught up with the biker and surreptitiously snatched the package from behind. He dashed off to search for the final two bikers.

After minutes of cruising through the city, CJ finally found the next biker riding through Santa Flora and quickly caught up with him. During the long ride, he struggled a bit, but was able to keep his balance and finally took the package from behind the bike. Now he had one more package to collect.

CJ spent a few minutes searching for the final biker. He was somehow nowhere to be seen around San Fierro. But CJ didn't give up. He continued searching for the final biker with the package. When he finally spotted the biker in Juniper Hollow, he dashed after him. But it wasn't easy. The biker had somehow caught on to CJ's act and started firing bullets at him. CJ dodged them all as he chased after the biker.

Looks like I finally got some competition, CJ thought.

He responded with a good number of firing bullets from his SMG as well. It was a ride-by battle between the two bikers as they dashed through the city. When CJ finally hit the biker with a few more bullets, the latter fell off of his bike and slammed into the ground trying to catch his breath. CJ stopped the bike and hopped off. He walked over to the injured biker.

"So what you gonna do now?" the biker sputtered. "You gonna finish me?"

CJ thought about it for a few seconds. After ten seconds of contemplating, he finally said, "Naw. I think I'm just gonna leave you there, having you hope the paramedics will come over to revive you."

He nonchalantly took the package from the biker's vehicle and walked away, leaving the injured biker coughing and gasping for air. CJ hopped back onto his bike and drove off with the packages. After a few minutes of cruising through the city, he made his way to the Pleasure Domes club and hopped off the bike, carrying the packages with him.

"Yo I got these packages for you, Jizzy!" CJ told the pimp, who was sitting at the bench having a conversation with T-Bone.

"Excellent, player!" Jizzy responded. "Just sit them right over here on the table." He turned to T-Bone. "Ya see?" the pimp told the Latino. "That's a man that knows how to get the job done."

"Well, I'll holla at ya later, Jizzy," CJ told the pimp, and he walked away as he heard Jizzy and T-Bone resume their argument.

Man, this sure is some hard work, CJ thought.

Just then, he heard his cellphone ring. CJ pulled it out to answer it.

"PIG!" he heard Catalina scream.

"Catalina, is that you again?" CJ asked.

She was still stalking him even after she left to Liberty City with her new man. CJ was fed up with Catalina. So without even waiting for another answer, he hung up the phone, hopped on his bike, and drove off back to the Doherty garage.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Rewrite)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt