Chapter 22: Wrong Side of the Tracks

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After a few hours had passed, CJ rode through Idlewood to meet up at Big Smoke's place. He then saw the garage door opening to find Tenpenny and Pulaski exiting out.

"Hey, Carl," Tenpenny told him. "Keeping busy, I hope."

"You know me, Officer Tenpenny," CJ told him, getting right into his face.

"Yeah, I know you, Carl," Tenpenny told CJ, not intimidated by CJ in the slightest. "I know everything about you."

"Don't touch me," CJ murmured angrily. "Get you pig hands off me..."

"That's right, Carl," Tenpenny told him as he and Pulaski walked away. "I got my eye on you."

"And?" CJ replied. "Like I give a fuck."

"We're watching you, Carl!" Pulaski told him, tossing a cigarette at him.

"Motherfucker!" CJ snarled as Pulaski walked away chuckling to himself.

The two dirty cops left, and Smoke came out of his garage. "What was that all about, baby?" he asked CJ.

"You tell me," CJ told him, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Aw hell, man," Big Smoke replied. "They got their nose in everything. Can't shit without Tenpenny taking an interest. The hell with him."

"Yeah, I guess," CJ muttered, uninterested. "What's really up?"

"Hey, thinking of taking a little ride," Big Smoke said, trying to change the subject. "Three deep mentioned a little something that might put us deeper in the game."

"A'ight, I'm down," CJ said, and he and Smoke hopped into Smoke's Glendale afterwards. "Where to, Smoke?"

"Unity Station!" Big Smoke answered as CJ pulled out of the driveway to make a right turn on the road.

CJ didn't say another word. He just continued driving straight and made a right turn on El Corona. He was still confused, as this was the second time he had caught Tenpenny and Pulaski exiting Smoke's house. What was going on between Big Smoke and the dirty cops? Sure, Smoke claimed that they keep nosing around, but it didn't explain why he kept on inviting them inside his home to begin with. Something was definitely going on.

CJ just continued driving and finally reached Unity Station and parked right in the parking lot. "What we looking for, Smoke?" CJ asked Big Smoke.

"Some Vagos cats meeting some San Fierro Rifa," Big Smoke answered as he and CJ hopped out of the vehicle. "Cutting some kind of deal."

"San Fierro?" CJ asked suspiciously. "I thought Northern Mexicans don't mix with Los Santos eses."

"Shit, you got me," Big Smoke admitted.

CJ then spotted the Vagos hopping from the top of the tunnel onto an oncoming train. "That look like them!" CJ called.

"Motherfuckers clocked us!" Big Smoke shouted. "We got to get these fools!"

The two spotted a motorbike parked adjacent to Smoke's vehicle, and they ran to and hopped onto the bike. "C'mon, CJ, we gotta ice these fools," Big Smoke declared. "Roll up on them, CJ, so I can get a shot!"

CJ then started the bike and darted to the train. "Get me close, CJ!" Big Smoke demanded. "I'm about to pop these fools!"

CJ raced faster to get closer to the Vagos on top of the moving train. Big Smoke pulled out his machine gun and fired at the Vagos gang members. The train turned to a curve, causing it to roll away faster, and Big Smoke's shots were becoming less accurate.

CJ rode faster to catch up, only to find out that there was a car sitting right in front of the tracks. The train made no effort to stop and continued rolling, running into a car, which exploded as it got ran over. CJ barely dodged the explosion and continued riding.

"OH FUCK!" Big Smoke shouted as he heard a loud horn. "OH! ONCOMING TRAIN!"

CJ barely got out of the way as the train running the opposite direction passed by. As they entered the tunnel, Big Smoke continued shooting at the Vagos as CJ got closer to the train, which had now entered the tunnel. Big Smoke had already shot two Vagos and continued to aim at the remaining two.

"Take that path on the right!" Smoke shouted as the two exited the other end of the tunnel to the Badlands.

CJ knew he wasn't allowed to leave Los Santos. So he had to stay close to the Vagos before the train got on the other side of the land.

Just then another horn blared. "LOOK THE FUCK OUT, CJ!" Big Smoke shouted. "THE TRAIN!"

CJ got past the train and got closer to the one with the Vagos on top. It took seconds, but Big Smoke finally shot at the Vagos and both of them dropped dead, their corpses lying on top of the moving train.

"Hey, let's get outta here before the cops show, man!" Big Smoke ordered CJ.

So CJ turned back around and headed on the opposite side of the train tracks.

"Was it always like this, Smoke?" CJ asked Big Smoke as he rode back through the tunnel.

"Was what always like this?" Big Smoke asked back.

"Always fucked up around here?" CJ asked, exiting the tunnel and onto the streets of Los Santos. "Or is it because of the drugs?"

"What you think, man?" Smoke asked equivocally.

"I don't know," CJ responded. "That's why I was asking you."

"Yo, ae, ae, don't ask a wise man, friend," Big Smoke replied. "Ask a fool!"

"That's what I was doing," CJ responded as he turned right on Idlewood.

"Well, if you making this thing personal, I ain't speaking on it no more," Big Smoke told him.

CJ just shook his head. Big Smoke was definitely hiding something. Aside from Tenpenny and Pulaski entering and exiting his house two days in a row, he also seemed reticent of all the problems around Los Santos and continued changing the subject every time.

He finally made it to Big Smoke's house, and the latter hopped off the bike.

"Hey, you better clear out, CJ," Big Smoke told him. "I don't want those C.R.A.S.H. fools trying to pull you into some shit!"

"Alright, homie," CJ replied. "You be careful with those cats. I'm gonna see you later."

CJ still had a bad feeling about Big Smoke. He was starting to be suspicious, hoping he wasn't into anything deep. But he quickly shook that feeling out of them and drove off to his own street. He decided to see Ryder and see what he was up to.

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